
Inheritance diagram of woo.gl



digraph GlBoundFunctor {
        "GlBoundFunctor" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlBoundFunctor"];
        "Gl1_Aabb" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlBoundFunctor"];
        "GlBoundFunctor" -> "Gl1_Aabb" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]                "Gl1_GridBound" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlBoundFunctor"];
        "GlBoundFunctor" -> "Gl1_GridBound" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]
class woo.gl.GlBoundFunctor(*args, **kwargs)

Abstract functor for rendering Bound objects.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlBoundFunctor) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlBoundFunctor, *args, **kwargs) -> None



class woo.gl.Gl1_Aabb(*args, **kwargs)

Render Axis-aligned bounding box (woo.dem.Aabb).

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Aabb) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Aabb, *args, **kwargs) -> None



class woo.gl.Gl1_GridBound(*args, **kwargs)

Render GridBound objects).

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_GridBound) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_GridBound, *args, **kwargs) -> None



class woo.gl.TensorGlRep(*args, **kwargs)

Render tensor (given as 3x3 matrix) as its principal components.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.TensorGlRep) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.TensorGlRep, *args, **kwargs) -> None

val(= Matrix3(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

Value to be rendered.

[type: Matrix3r]

eigVec(= Matrix3(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

eigenvectors as columns, updated in postLoad.

[type: Matrix3r, not saved, read-only in python]

eigVal(= Vector3(0, 0, 0))

eigenvalues of corresponding eigenvectors, updated in postLoad.

[type: Vector3r, not saved, read-only in python]

skew(= Vector3(0, 0, 0))

skew (asymmetric) components of the tensor

[type: Vector3r, not saved]

relSz(= 0.1)

Size of maximum-length arrows, relative to scene radius

[type: Real]

skewRelSz(= -1.0)

Size of maximum-length skew curved arrows; if negative, use relSz instead.

[type: Real]

scaleExp(= 1.0)

Exponent for scaling arrow sizem kuje wutg VectorGlRep. NaN disables scaling, making all arrows the same size.

[type: Real]

range(= None)

Extrema values for symmetric components.

[type: shared_ptr<ScalarRange>]

skewRange(= None)

Extrema values for skew components

[type: shared_ptr<ScalarRange>]



class woo.gl.GlData(*args, **kwargs)

Nodal data used for rendering.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlData) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlData, *args, **kwargs) -> None

refPos(= Vector3(nan, nan, nan))

Reference position (for displacement scaling)

[type: Vector3r, unit: m]

refOri(= Quaternion((nan, nan, nan), nan))

Reference orientation (for rotation scaling)

[type: Quaternionr]

dGlPos(= Vector3(nan, nan, nan))

Difference from real spatial position when rendered. (when [0] is NaN, the node is clipped and should not be rendered at all)

[type: Vector3r, unit: m]

dGlOri(= Quaternion((nan, nan, nan), nan))

Difference from real spatial orientation when rendered.

[type: Quaternionr]

dCellDist(= Vector3i(0, 0, 0))

How much is canonicalized point from the real one.

[type: Vector3i]



digraph GlCPhysFunctor {
        "GlCPhysFunctor" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlCPhysFunctor"];
        "Gl1_ConcretePhys" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlCPhysFunctor"];
        "Gl1_CPhys" -> "Gl1_ConcretePhys" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]             "Gl1_CPhys" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlCPhysFunctor"];
        "GlCPhysFunctor" -> "Gl1_CPhys" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]
class woo.gl.GlCPhysFunctor(*args, **kwargs)

Abstract functor for rendering CPhys objects.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlCPhysFunctor) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlCPhysFunctor, *args, **kwargs) -> None



digraph Gl1_CPhys {
        "Gl1_CPhys" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.Gl1_CPhys"];
        "Gl1_ConcretePhys" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.Gl1_CPhys"];
        "Gl1_CPhys" -> "Gl1_ConcretePhys" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]
class woo.gl.Gl1_CPhys(*args, **kwargs)

Renders CPhys objects as cylinders of which diameter and color depends on CPhys:force normal (\(x\)) component.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_CPhys) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_CPhys, *args, **kwargs) -> None

range(= <ScalarRange @ 0x179fdc0>)

Range for normal force

[type: shared_ptr<ScalarRange>]

shearRange(= <ScalarRange @ 0x179f120>)

Range for absolute value of shear force

[type: shared_ptr<ScalarRange>]

shearColor(= False)

Set color by shear force rather than by normal force. (Radius still depends on normal force)

[type: bool]

signFilter(= 0)

If non-zero, only display contacts with negative (-1) or positive (+1) normal forces; if zero, all contacts will be displayed.

[type: int]

relMaxRad(= 0.01)

Relative radius for maximum forces

[type: Real]

slices(= 6)

Number of cylinder slices

[type: int]

slices_range(= Vector2i(4, 16))

Range for slices

[type: Vector2i, not shown in the UI]



class woo.gl.Gl1_ConcretePhys(*args, **kwargs)

Renders ConcretePhys objects with discs representing damage. Gl1_CPhys may be requested to do other rendering based on doCPhys.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_ConcretePhys) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_ConcretePhys, *args, **kwargs) -> None

doCPhys(= 0)

Call Gl1_CPhys for rendering.

[type: int, named enum, possible values are: ‘no’ (‘’; 0), ‘only’ (1), ‘also’ (2)]

dmgRange(= <ScalarRange @ 0x17f4650>)

Range for disk damage coloring.

[type: shared_ptr<ScalarRange>]

dmgSlices(= 6)

Number of slices to draw the damage disc

[type: int]

dmgPow(= 2)

Raise omega to this power for disk radius scaling; 2 makes the disc area (rather than radius) proportional to omega.

[type: int]



class woo.gl.GlFieldDispatcher(*args, **kwargs)

Dispatcher calling functors based on received argument type(s).

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlFieldDispatcher) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlFieldDispatcher, *args, **kwargs) -> None

functors(= [])

Functors active in the dispatch mechanism [overridden below].

[type: vector<shared_ptr<GlFieldFunctor>>]

dispFunctor(self: woo.gl.GlFieldDispatcher, arg0: woo.core.Field)woo.gl.GlFieldFunctor

Return functor that would be dispatched for given argument(s); None if no dispatch; ambiguous dispatch throws.

dispMatrix(self: woo.gl.GlFieldDispatcher, names: bool = True)dict

Return dictionary with contents of the dispatch matrix.



class woo.gl.GlSetup(*args, **kwargs)

Proxy object for accessing all GL-related settings uniformly from the scene.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlSetup) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlSetup, *args, **kwargs) -> None

objs(= ObjectList[])

List of all objects used; their order is determined at run-time. Some of them may be None (unused indices) which indicate separator in list of those objects when presented in the UI.

[type: vector<shared_ptr<Object>>, not shown in the UI, read-only in python]

dirty(= False)

Set after modifying functors, so that they can be regenerated.

[type: bool, not shown in the UI, not dumped, read-only in python]

qglviewerState(= '')

XML representation of the view state – updated occasionally (once a second) from the current open view (if any).

[type: string, not shown in the UI, read-only in python]

__call__(self: woo.gl.GlSetup, *args)None

Replace all current functors by those passed as arguments.



class woo.gl.GlNodeDispatcher(*args, **kwargs)

Dispatcher calling functors based on received argument type(s).

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlNodeDispatcher) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlNodeDispatcher, *args, **kwargs) -> None

functors(= [])

Functors active in the dispatch mechanism [overridden below].

[type: vector<shared_ptr<GlNodeFunctor>>]

dispFunctor(self: woo.gl.GlNodeDispatcher, arg0: woo.core.Node)woo.gl.GlNodeFunctor

Return functor that would be dispatched for given argument(s); None if no dispatch; ambiguous dispatch throws.

dispMatrix(self: woo.gl.GlNodeDispatcher, names: bool = True)dict

Return dictionary with contents of the dispatch matrix.



digraph GlNodeFunctor {
        "GlNodeFunctor" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlNodeFunctor"];
        "Gl1_Node" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlNodeFunctor"];
        "GlNodeFunctor" -> "Gl1_Node" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]
class woo.gl.GlNodeFunctor(*args, **kwargs)

Abstract functor for rendering Node objects.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlNodeFunctor) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlNodeFunctor, *args, **kwargs) -> None



class woo.gl.Gl1_Node(*args, **kwargs)

Render generic woo.dem.Node.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Node) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Node, *args, **kwargs) -> None

wd(= 1)

Local axes line width in pixels

[type: int]

wd_range(= Vector2i(0, 5))

Range for width

[type: Vector2i, not shown in the UI]

len(= 0.05)

Relative local axes line length in pixels, relative to scene radius; if non-positive, only points are drawn

[type: Real]

len_range(= Vector2(0, 0.1))

Range for len

[type: Vector2r, not shown in the UI]



class woo.gl.CylGlRep(*args, **kwargs)

Render cylinder aligned with local x-axis, with color and radius given by val (and optionally val2).

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.CylGlRep) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.CylGlRep, *args, **kwargs) -> None

rad(= nan)

Scalar determining radius; 1 if NaN

[type: Real]

col(= nan)

Scalar determining color; rad is used if NaN.

[type: Real]

xx(= Vector2(0, 0))

End positions on the local x-axis

[type: Vector2r]

relSz(= 0.05)

Maximum cylinder radius, relative to scene radius

[type: Real]

rangeRad(= None)

Range for rad (only used if rad is not NaN)

[type: shared_ptr<ScalarRange>]

rangeCol(= None)

Range for col (or for rad, if col is NaN)

[type: shared_ptr<ScalarRange>]



class woo.gl.LabelGlRep(*args, **kwargs)

Render scalar value at associated node

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.LabelGlRep) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.LabelGlRep, *args, **kwargs) -> None

text(= '')

Text to be rendered at the node’s position

[type: string]

color(= Vector3(1, 1, 1))

Color for rendering the text

[type: Vector3r]

center(= False)

Whether the text should be centered around the node

[type: bool]



class woo.gl.Renderer(*args, **kwargs)

Class responsible for rendering scene on OpenGL devices.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.Renderer) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.Renderer, *args, **kwargs) -> None

initDone(= False)

Track initialization (don’t save, since this initialized GLUT as well, which is needed at every run again).

[type: bool, not saved, not accessible from python]

► General

engines(= True)

Call engine’s rendering functions (if defined)

[type: bool]

ranges(= True)

Show color scales for Scene.ranges

[type: bool]

cell(= True)

Render periodic cell boundaries (periodic simulations only)

[type: bool]

ghosts(= False)

Render objects crossing periodic cell edges by cloning them in multiple places (periodic simulations only).

[type: bool]

extraDrawers(= [])

Additional rendering components (GlExtraDrawer).

[type: vector<shared_ptr<GlExtraDrawer>>]

iniUp(= Vector3(0, 0, 1))

Up vector of new views

[type: Vector3r]

iniViewDir(= Vector3(-1, 0, 0))

View direction of new views

[type: Vector3r]

snapFmt(= '/tmp/{id}.{#}.png')

Format for saving snapshots; {tag} sequences are expanded with Scene.tags; a special {#} tag is expanded with snapshot number (so that older ones are not overwritten), starting from 0 and zero-padded to 4 decimal palces. File format is auto-detected from extension. Supported formats are .png, .jpg, .pdf, .svg, xfig, ps, eps.

[type: string, filename]

fast(= 1)

When to use fast rendering; unfocused means when manipulating camera or the 3d windows is not focused, and framerate drops below maxFps.

[type: int, named enum, possible values are: ‘always’ (0), ‘unfocused’ (1), ‘never’ (2)]

► Scaling

scaleOn(= False)

Whether dispScale and rotScale have any effect or not.

[type: bool]

setRefNow(= False)

Update reference positions/orientations the next time we run.

[type: bool, not shown in the UI]

dispScale(= Vector3(10, 10, 10))

Artificially enlarge (scale) displacements from nodes’ reference positions by this relative amount, so that they become better visible (independently in 3 dimensions); not enabled unless scaleOn is True. When set to something else than (1,1,1), scaleOn is set to True automatically.

[type: Vector3r]

rotScale(= 1.0)

Artificially enlarge (scale) rotations of bodies relative to their reference orientation, so the they are better visible; no effect if 1.0 and unless scaleOn is set. If set to anything else than 1.0, scaleOn is set automatically.

[type: Real]

zClipCoeff(= 4.0)

Z-clipping coefficient, relative to scene radius (see http://www.libqglviewer.com/refManual/classqglviewer_1_1Camera.html#acd07c1b9464b935ad21bb38b7c27afca for details)

[type: Real, range: 1.73205−10]

► Colors and lighting

bgColor(= Vector3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2))

Color of the background canvas (RGB)

[type: Vector3r]

light1(= True)

Turn light 1 on.

[type: bool]

lightPos(= Vector3(75, 130, 0))

Position of OpenGL light source in the scene.

[type: Vector3r]

lightColor(= Vector3(0.6, 0.6, 0.6))

Per-color intensity of primary light (RGB).

[type: Vector3r]

light2(= True)

Turn light 2 on.

[type: bool]

light2Pos(= Vector3(-130, 75, 30))

Position of secondary OpenGL light source in the scene.

[type: Vector3r]

light2Color(= Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.1))

Per-color intensity of secondary light (RGB).

[type: Vector3r]

showTime(= 5)

Control whether virtual time, real time and step number are displayed in the 3d view.

[type: int, bit accessors: virt, real, step]

showDate(= False)

Show human date and clock time in the 3d view.

[type: bool]

dateColor(= Vector3(0.6, 0.6, 0.6))

Date color

[type: Vector3r]

virtColor(= Vector3(1, 1, 1))

Virtual time color

[type: Vector3r]

realColor(= Vector3(0, 0.5, 0.5))

Real time color

[type: Vector3r]

stepColor(= Vector3(0, 0.5, 0.5))

Step number color

[type: Vector3r]

grid(= 0)

Show axes planes with grid

[type: int, bit accessors: yz, zx, xy]

oriAxes(= True)

Show orientation axes in the 3d view (in the upper left corner)

[type: bool]

oriAxesPx(= 50)

Maximum pixel size of orientation axes in the corner.

[type: int, range: 10−100]

colorX(= Vector3(1, 0.1, 0))

X-axis color

[type: Vector3r]

colorY(= Vector3(1, 1, 0))

Y-axis color

[type: Vector3r]

colorZ(= Vector3(0.1, 1, 0))

Z-axis color

[type: Vector3r]

logoSize(= 50)

Size of the bigger size of the logo, in pixels

[type: int]

logoPos(= Vector2i(-64, -60))

Position of the logo; negative values count from the other side of the window.

[type: Vector2i]

logoColor(= Vector3(1, 1, 1))

Logo color

[type: Vector3r]

logoWd(= 1.8)

Width of the logo stroke; set to non-positive value to disable the logo.

[type: Real, range: 0−10]

► Selection & Clipping

clipPlanes(= NodeList[])

Clipping plane definitions (local \(x\)-axis defines the clipping plane; activity of the plane is determined by whether woo.core.Node.rep is something (active; otherwise unused object) or None.)

[type: vector<shared_ptr<Node>>]

selObj(= None)

Object which was selected by the user (access only via woo.qt.selObj).

[type: shared_ptr<Object>]

selObjNode(= None)

Node associated to the selected object (recenters scene on that object upon selection)

[type: shared_ptr<Node>, read-only in python]

selFunc(= 'import woo.qt\nwoo.qt.onSelection')

Python expression to be called (by textually appending ‘(woo.gl.Renderer.selOBj)’ or ‘(None)’) at object selection/deselection. If empty, no function will be called. Any imports must be explicitly mentioned in the string.

[type: string]

selFollow(= False)

Keep the scene centered at selObjNode.

[type: bool]

► Performance

maxFps(= 10)

Maximum frame rate for the OpenGL display

[type: int]

renderTime(= nan)

Time for rendering one frame (smoothed)

[type: Real, unit: s, read-only in python]

fastRenderTime(= nan)

Time for fast-rendering one frame (smoothed)

[type: Real, unit: s, read-only in python]



digraph GlFieldFunctor {
        "GlFieldFunctor" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlFieldFunctor"];
        "Gl1_DemField" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlFieldFunctor"];
        "GlFieldFunctor" -> "Gl1_DemField" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]
class woo.gl.GlFieldFunctor(*args, **kwargs)

Abstract functor for rendering Field objects.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlFieldFunctor) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlFieldFunctor, *args, **kwargs) -> None



class woo.gl.Gl1_DemField(*args, **kwargs)

Render DEM field.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_DemField) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_DemField, *args, **kwargs) -> None

► Shape

shape(= 1)

Render only particles matching selected filter.

[type: int, named enum, possible values are: ‘none’ (‘’; 0), ‘all’ (1), ‘spheroids’ (‘sph’; 2), ‘non-spheroids’ (‘nsph’; 3), ‘mask’ (4)]

mask(= 0)

Only shapes/bounds of particles with this group will be shown; 0 matches all particles.

[type: uint]

shape2(= True)

Render also particles not matching shape (using colorBy2)

[type: bool]

modulo(= Vector2i(0, 0))

For particles matching shape, only show particles with Particle.id such that (id+modulo[1])%modulo[0]==0 (similar to woo.dem.Tracer.modulo). Only nodes of which first particle matches (or don’t have any particle attached) are shown (in case of nodes, regardless of its shape). Display of contacts is not affected by this value.

[type: Vector2i]

wire(= False)

Render all shapes with wire only

[type: bool]

colorBy(= 1)

Color particles by

[type: int, named enum, possible values are: ‘solid’ (0), ‘Shape.color’ (‘shape’; 1), ‘radius’ (‘r’; 2), ‘diameter (mm)’ (‘diameter’, ‘diam’, ‘d’; 3), ‘velocity’ (‘vel’, ‘v’; 4), ‘angular velocity’ (‘angVel’; 5), ‘mass’ (‘m’; 6), ‘position’ (‘pos’; 7), ‘ref. displacement’ (‘disp’, ‘displacement’; 8), ‘ref. rotation’ (‘rot’, ‘rotation’; 9), ‘refpos coord’ (‘refpos’; 10), ‘material id’ (‘mat id’; 11), ‘Particle.matState’ (‘mat state’; 12), ‘normal stress’ (‘sigN’; 13), ‘shear stress’ (‘sigT’; 14), ‘mask’ (15), ‘number of contacts’ (‘num contacts’, ‘numCon’; 16), ‘flags’ (17), ‘invisible’ (‘-‘; 18)]

vecAxis(= 6)

Axis for vector quantities.

[type: int, named enum, possible values are: ‘x’ (0), ‘y’ (1), ‘z’ (2), ‘yz’ (‘yz’; 3), ‘zx’ (‘xz’; 4), ‘xy’ (‘yx’; 5), ‘norm’ (‘magnitude’, ‘xyz’; 6)]

matStateIx(= 0)

Index for getting MatState scalars.

[type: int]

matStateSmooth(= 0.001)

Smoothing coefficient for MatState scalars.

[type: Real]

colorRange(= None)

Range for particle colors (colorBy)

[type: shared_ptr<ScalarRange>, read-only in python]

colorBy2(= 0)

Color for particles with shape2.

[type: int, named enum, possible values are: ‘solid’ (0), ‘Shape.color’ (‘shape’; 1), ‘radius’ (‘r’; 2), ‘diameter (mm)’ (‘diameter’, ‘diam’, ‘d’; 3), ‘velocity’ (‘vel’, ‘v’; 4), ‘angular velocity’ (‘angVel’; 5), ‘mass’ (‘m’; 6), ‘position’ (‘pos’; 7), ‘ref. displacement’ (‘disp’, ‘displacement’; 8), ‘ref. rotation’ (‘rot’, ‘rotation’; 9), ‘refpos coord’ (‘refpos’; 10), ‘material id’ (‘mat id’; 11), ‘Particle.matState’ (‘mat state’; 12), ‘normal stress’ (‘sigN’; 13), ‘shear stress’ (‘sigT’; 14), ‘mask’ (15), ‘number of contacts’ (‘num contacts’, ‘numCon’; 16), ‘flags’ (17), ‘invisible’ (‘-‘; 18)]

colorRange2(= None)

Range for particle colors (colorBy)

[type: shared_ptr<ScalarRange>, read-only in python]

solidColor(= Vector3(0.3, 0.3, 0.3))

Solid color for particles.

[type: Vector3r]

colorRanges(= [])

List of color ranges

[type: vector<shared_ptr<ScalarRange>>, not shown in the UI, read-only in python]

bound(= False)

Render particle’s Bound

[type: bool]

periodic(= False)

Automatically shows whether the scene is periodic (to use in hideIf of fluct

[type: bool, not shown in the UI]

fluct(= False)

With periodic boundaries, show only fluctuation components of velocity.

[type: bool]

► Nodes

nodes(= False)

Render DEM nodes

[type: bool]

glyph(= 0)

Show glyphs on particles by setting GlData on their nodes.

[type: int, named enum, possible values are: ‘keep’ (0), ‘none’ (‘’; 1), ‘force’ (‘f’; 2), ‘torque’ (‘t’; 3), ‘velocity’ (‘vel’, ‘v’; 4), ‘angular velocity’ (‘angVel’, ‘angvel’; 5)]

glyphRange(= None)

Range for glyph colors

[type: shared_ptr<ScalarRange>, read-only in python]

glyphRelSz(= 0.1)

Maximum glyph size relative to scene radius

[type: Real]

deadNodes(= True)

Show DemField.deadNodes.

[type: bool]

glyphRanges(= [])

List of glyph ranges

[type: vector<shared_ptr<ScalarRange>>, not shown in the UI, read-only in python]

► Contact nodes

cNode(= 0)

What should be shown for contact nodes

[type: int, bit accessors: glRep, line, node, potLine]

cPhys(= False)

Render contact’s nodes

[type: bool]

guiEvery(= 100)

Process GUI events once every guiEvery objects are painted, to keep the ui responsive. Set to 0 to make rendering blocking.

[type: int]

shapeDispatcher(= <GlShapeDispatcher @ 0x178ec70>)

Dispatcher for rendering shapes. Set up automatically.

[type: shared_ptr<GlShapeDispatcher>, not shown in the UI, read-only in python]

boundDispatcher(= <GlBoundDispatcher @ 0x178eb90>)

Dispatcher for rendering bounds. Set up automatically.

[type: shared_ptr<GlBoundDispatcher>, not shown in the UI, read-only in python]

cPhysDispatcher(= <GlCPhysDispatcher @ 0x17c12d0>)

Dispatcher for rendering CPhys. Set up automatically.

[type: shared_ptr<GlCPhysDispatcher>, not shown in the UI, read-only in python]



class woo.gl.GlBoundDispatcher(*args, **kwargs)

Dispatcher calling functors based on received argument type(s).

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlBoundDispatcher) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlBoundDispatcher, *args, **kwargs) -> None

functors(= [])

Functors active in the dispatch mechanism [overridden below].

[type: vector<shared_ptr<GlBoundFunctor>>]

dispFunctor(self: woo.gl.GlBoundDispatcher, arg0: woo.dem.Bound)woo.gl.GlBoundFunctor

Return functor that would be dispatched for given argument(s); None if no dispatch; ambiguous dispatch throws.

dispMatrix(self: woo.gl.GlBoundDispatcher, names: bool = True)dict

Return dictionary with contents of the dispatch matrix.



class woo.gl.ScalarGlRep(*args, **kwargs)

Render scalar value at associated node

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.ScalarGlRep) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.ScalarGlRep, *args, **kwargs) -> None

val(= 0.0)

Value to be rendered

[type: Real]

how(= 0)

Different ways to render given value; 0=number, 1=colored point, 2=colored sphere

[type: int]

prec(= 5)

Precision for rendering numbers

[type: int]

relSz(= 0.05)

Size of rendered spheres (if selected), relative to scene radius

[type: Real]

range(= None)

Extrema values for the scalar, to determine colors.

[type: shared_ptr<ScalarRange>]



class woo.gl.GlShapeDispatcher(*args, **kwargs)

Dispatcher calling functors based on received argument type(s).

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlShapeDispatcher) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlShapeDispatcher, *args, **kwargs) -> None

functors(= [])

Functors active in the dispatch mechanism [overridden below].

[type: vector<shared_ptr<GlShapeFunctor>>]

dispFunctor(self: woo.gl.GlShapeDispatcher, arg0: woo.dem.Shape)woo.gl.GlShapeFunctor

Return functor that would be dispatched for given argument(s); None if no dispatch; ambiguous dispatch throws.

dispMatrix(self: woo.gl.GlShapeDispatcher, names: bool = True)dict

Return dictionary with contents of the dispatch matrix.



digraph GlShapeFunctor {
        "GlShapeFunctor" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlShapeFunctor"];
        "Gl1_Ellipsoid" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlShapeFunctor"];
        "Gl1_Sphere" -> "Gl1_Ellipsoid" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]               "Gl1_Capsule" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlShapeFunctor"];
        "Gl1_Sphere" -> "Gl1_Capsule" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]         "Gl1_Cone" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlShapeFunctor"];
        "GlShapeFunctor" -> "Gl1_Cone" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]                "Gl1_Tet4" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlShapeFunctor"];
        "Gl1_Tetra" -> "Gl1_Tet4" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]             "Gl1_Wall" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlShapeFunctor"];
        "GlShapeFunctor" -> "Gl1_Wall" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]                "Gl1_Facet" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlShapeFunctor"];
        "GlShapeFunctor" -> "Gl1_Facet" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]               "Gl1_Rod" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlShapeFunctor"];
        "GlShapeFunctor" -> "Gl1_Rod" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]         "Gl1_Tetra" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlShapeFunctor"];
        "GlShapeFunctor" -> "Gl1_Tetra" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]               "Gl1_InfCylinder" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlShapeFunctor"];
        "GlShapeFunctor" -> "Gl1_InfCylinder" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]         "Gl1_Membrane" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlShapeFunctor"];
        "Gl1_Facet" -> "Gl1_Membrane" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]         "Gl1_Sphere" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlShapeFunctor"];
        "GlShapeFunctor" -> "Gl1_Sphere" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]
class woo.gl.GlShapeFunctor(*args, **kwargs)

Abstract functor for rendering Shape objects.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlShapeFunctor) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlShapeFunctor, *args, **kwargs) -> None



digraph Gl1_Sphere {
        "Gl1_Sphere" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.Gl1_Sphere"];
        "Gl1_Ellipsoid" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.Gl1_Sphere"];
        "Gl1_Sphere" -> "Gl1_Ellipsoid" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]               "Gl1_Capsule" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.Gl1_Sphere"];
        "Gl1_Sphere" -> "Gl1_Capsule" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]
class woo.gl.Gl1_Sphere(*args, **kwargs)

Renders Sphere object

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Sphere) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Sphere, *args, **kwargs) -> None

quality(= 1.0)

Change discretization level of spheres. quality>1 for better image quality, at the price of more cpu/gpu usage, 0<quality<1 for faster rendering. If mono-color sphres are displayed (stripes = False), quality mutiplies glutSlices and glutStacks. If striped spheres are displayed (stripes = `True), only integer increments are meaningful: quality=1 and quality=1.9 will give the same result, quality=2 will give a finer result.

[type: Real, range: 0−8]

wire(= False)

Only show wireframe (controlled by glutSlices and glutStacks.

[type: bool]

smooth(= False)

Render lines smooth (it makes them thicker and less clear if there are many spheres.)

[type: bool]

scale(= 1.0)

Scale sphere radii

[type: Real, range: 0.1−2]

glutSlices(= 12)

Base number of sphere slices, multiplied by Gl1_Sphere.quality before use); not used with stripes (see glut{Solid,Wire}Sphere reference)

[type: int, not saved, read-only in python]

glutStacks(= 6)

Base number of sphere stacks, multiplied by Gl1_Sphere.quality before use; not used with stripes (see glut{Solid,Wire}Sphere reference)

[type: int, not saved, read-only in python]



class woo.gl.Gl1_Ellipsoid(*args, **kwargs)

Renders woo.dem.Ellipsoid object

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Ellipsoid) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Ellipsoid, *args, **kwargs) -> None



class woo.gl.Gl1_Capsule(*args, **kwargs)

Renders woo.dem.Capsule object

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Capsule) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Capsule, *args, **kwargs) -> None



class woo.gl.Gl1_InfCylinder(*args, **kwargs)

Renders InfCylinder object

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_InfCylinder) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_InfCylinder, *args, **kwargs) -> None

wire(= False)

Render Cylinders with wireframe

[type: bool]

spokes(= True)

Render spokes between the cylinder axis and edge, at the position of InfCylinder.glAB.

[type: bool]

slices(= 12)

Number of circumferential division of circular sections

[type: int]

stacks(= 20)

Number of rings on the cylinder inside the visible scene part.

[type: int]



class woo.gl.Gl1_Rod(*args, **kwargs)

Render truss particles

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Rod) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Rod, *args, **kwargs) -> None

slices(= 12)

Number of slices, controls quality

[type: int]

stacks(= 6)

Number of stacks, controls quality

[type: int]

wire(= False)

Render all shapes with wireframe only

[type: bool]

colorStress(= True)

Set color based on axial stress rather than woo.dem.Shape.color

[type: bool]

stressRange(= Vector2(-1, 1))

Stress range, to set color appropriately

[type: Vector2r]



class woo.gl.Gl1_Cone(*args, **kwargs)

Render cone particles

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Cone) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Cone, *args, **kwargs) -> None

slices(= 12)

Number of slices, controls quality

[type: int]

stacks(= 6)

Number of stacks, controls quality

[type: int]

wire(= False)

Render all shapes with wireframe only

[type: bool]



digraph Gl1_Facet {
        "Gl1_Facet" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.Gl1_Facet"];
        "Gl1_Membrane" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.Gl1_Facet"];
        "Gl1_Facet" -> "Gl1_Membrane" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]
class woo.gl.Gl1_Facet(*args, **kwargs)

Renders Facet object

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Facet) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Facet, *args, **kwargs) -> None

wire(= False)

Only show wireframe.

[type: bool]

slices(= 8)

Number of half-cylinder subdivision for rounded edges with halfThick>=0 (for whole circle); if smaller than 4, rounded edges are not drawn; if negative, only mid-plane is drawn.

[type: int, range: -1−16]

fastDrawLim(= 0.001)

If performing fast draw (during camera manipulation) and the facet’s perimeter is smaller than fastDrawLim times scene radius, skip rendering of that facet.

[type: Real]

wd(= 1)

Line width when drawing with wireframe (only applies to the triangle, not to rounded corners)

[type: int, range: 1−20]



class woo.gl.Gl1_Membrane(*args, **kwargs)

Renders Membrane object; Facet itself is rendered via Gl1_Facet.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Membrane) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Membrane, *args, **kwargs) -> None

node(= False)

Show local frame node

[type: bool]

refConf(= True)

Show reference configuration, rotated to the current local frame

[type: bool]

refColor(= Vector3(0, 0.5, 0))

Color for the reference shape

[type: Vector3r]

refWd(= 1)

Line width for the reference shape

[type: int]

uScale(= 1.0)

Scale of displacement lines (zero to disable)

[type: Real]

uWd(= 2)

Width of displacement lines

[type: int]

uSplit(= False)

Show x and y displacement components separately

[type: bool]

relPhi(= 0.2)

Length of unit rotation (one radian), relative to scene radius (zero to disable)

[type: Real]

phiWd(= 2)

Width of rotation lines

[type: int]

phiSplit(= True)

Show x and y displacement components separately

[type: bool]

arrows(= False)

Show displacements and rotations as arrows rather than lines

[type: bool]

uRange(= <ScalarRange @ 0x17e71a0>)

Range for displacements (colors only)

[type: shared_ptr<ScalarRange>]

phiRange(= <ScalarRange @ 0x17ec5f0>)

Range for rotations (colors only)

[type: shared_ptr<ScalarRange>]



class woo.gl.Gl1_Wall(*args, **kwargs)

Renders woo.dem.Wall object

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Wall) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Wall, *args, **kwargs) -> None

div(= 20)

Number of divisions of the wall inside visible scene part.

[type: int]



digraph Gl1_Tetra {
        "Gl1_Tetra" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.Gl1_Tetra"];
        "Gl1_Tet4" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.Gl1_Tetra"];
        "Gl1_Tetra" -> "Gl1_Tet4" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]
class woo.gl.Gl1_Tetra(*args, **kwargs)

Renders Tetra object

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Tetra) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Tetra, *args, **kwargs) -> None

wire(= False)

Only show wireframe.

[type: bool]

wd(= 1)

Line width when drawing with wireframe (only applies to the triangle, not to rounded corners)

[type: int, range: 1−20]

fastDrawLim(= 0.001)

If performing fast draw (during camera manipulation) and the distance of centroid to the first node is smaller than fastDrawLim times scene radius, skip rendering of that tetra.

[type: Real]



class woo.gl.Gl1_Tet4(*args, **kwargs)

Renders Tet4 object; Tetra itself is rendered via Gl1_Tetra.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Tet4) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.Gl1_Tet4, *args, **kwargs) -> None

node(= False)

Show local frame node

[type: bool]

rep(= True)

Show GlRep of the frame node (without showing the node itself)

[type: bool]

refConf(= False)

Show reference configuration, rotated to the current local frame

[type: bool]

refColor(= Vector3(0, 0.5, 0))

Color for the reference shape

[type: Vector3r]

refWd(= 1)

Line width for the reference shape

[type: int]

uWd(= 2)

Width of displacement lines

[type: int]



digraph GlExtraDrawer {
        "GlExtraDrawer" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlExtraDrawer"];
        "GlExtra_AnisoPorosityAnalyzer" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlExtraDrawer"];
        "GlExtraDrawer" -> "GlExtra_AnisoPorosityAnalyzer" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]            "GlExtra_EnergyTrackerGrid" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.GlExtraDrawer"];
        "GlExtraDrawer" -> "GlExtra_EnergyTrackerGrid" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]
class woo.gl.GlExtraDrawer(*args, **kwargs)

Performing arbitrary OpenGL drawing commands; called from Renderer (see Renderer.extraDrawers) once regular rendering routines will have finished.

This class itself does not render anything, derived classes should override the render method.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlExtraDrawer) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlExtraDrawer, *args, **kwargs) -> None

dead(= False)

Deactivate the object (on error/exception).

[type: bool]



class woo.gl.GlExtra_EnergyTrackerGrid(*args, **kwargs)

Draw S.energy.grid, if used.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlExtra_EnergyTrackerGrid) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlExtra_EnergyTrackerGrid, *args, **kwargs) -> None

color(= Vector3(1, 0.5, 0.5))

Color to render the box.

[type: Vector3r]



class woo.gl.GlExtra_AnisoPorosityAnalyzer(*args, **kwargs)

Find an instance of LawTester and show visually its data.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlExtra_AnisoPorosityAnalyzer) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlExtra_AnisoPorosityAnalyzer, *args, **kwargs) -> None

analyzer(= None)

Associated AnisoPorosityAnalyzer object.

[type: shared_ptr<AnisoPorosityAnalyzer>]

wd(= 2)

Segment line width

[type: int]

wd_range(= Vector2i(1, 10))

Range for wd

[type: Vector2i, not shown in the UI]

num(= 2)

Number to show at the segment middle: 0 = nothing, 1 = particle id, 2 = intersected length

[type: int]

num_range(= Vector2i(0, 2))

Range for num

[type: Vector2i, not shown in the UI]

idMod(= 5)

Modulate particle id by this number to get segment color

[type: int]



class woo.gl.DisplayParameters(*args, **kwargs)

Store display parameters.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.DisplayParameters) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.DisplayParameters, *args, **kwargs) -> None

values(= [])

[type: vector<string>, read-only in python]

displayTypes(= [])

[type: vector<string>, read-only in python]



digraph VectorGlRep {
        "VectorGlRep" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.VectorGlRep"];
        "ActReactGlRep" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),solid",height=0.2,URL="woo.gl.html#woo.gl.VectorGlRep"];
        "VectorGlRep" -> "ActReactGlRep" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]
class woo.gl.VectorGlRep(*args, **kwargs)

Render vector value at associated node, as an arrow

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.VectorGlRep) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.VectorGlRep, *args, **kwargs) -> None

val(= Vector3(0, 0, 0))

Value to be rendered

[type: Vector3r]

relSz(= 0.2)

Size of maximum-length arrows, relative to scene radius

[type: Real]

scaleExp(= 1.0)

Exponent for scaling arrow size as vector_norm^scaleExp. NaN disables scaling (all arrows the same size).

[type: Real]

range(= None)

Extrema values for vector norm, to determine colors.

[type: shared_ptr<ScalarRange>]



class woo.gl.ActReactGlRep(*args, **kwargs)

Render action and reaction vectors as opposing arrows, with offset and optionally separate normal/shear components. The value is always given in node-local coordinates!

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.ActReactGlRep) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.ActReactGlRep, *args, **kwargs) -> None

comp(= 3)

Which components of the force to show 0: x-only, 1: yz-only, 2: both as separate arrows, 3: both as one arrow.

[type: int]

comp_range(= Vector2i(0, 3))

Range for comp

[type: Vector2i, not shown in the UI]

relOff(= 0.01)

Offset from the node in the sense of local x-axis, relative to scene radius

[type: Real]

shearRange(= None)

Optional range for shear foces; if not defined range (for normal force) is used instead.

[type: shared_ptr<ScalarRange>]



class woo.gl.GlCPhysDispatcher(*args, **kwargs)

Dispatcher calling functors based on received argument type(s).

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlCPhysDispatcher) -> None

  2. __init__(self: woo.gl.GlCPhysDispatcher, *args, **kwargs) -> None

functors(= [])

Functors active in the dispatch mechanism [overridden below].

[type: vector<shared_ptr<GlCPhysFunctor>>]

dispFunctor(self: woo.gl.GlCPhysDispatcher, arg0: woo.dem.CPhys)woo.gl.GlCPhysFunctor

Return functor that would be dispatched for given argument(s); None if no dispatch; ambiguous dispatch throws.

dispMatrix(self: woo.gl.GlCPhysDispatcher, names: bool = True)dict

Return dictionary with contents of the dispatch matrix.


Report issues or inclarities to github.