
Functions for accessing timing information stored in engines and functors.

See timing section of the Yade manual, wiki page for some examples.


Zero all timing data.


Print summary table of timing information from engines and functors. Absolute times as well as percentages are given. Sample output:

Name                                     Count                 Time        Rel. time
ForceResetter                        400               9449μs            0.01%      
BoundingVolumeMetaEngine             400            1171770μs            1.15%      
PersistentSAPCollider                400            9433093μs            9.24%      
InteractionGeometryMetaEngine        400           15177607μs           14.87%      
InteractionPhysicsMetaEngine         400            9518738μs            9.33%      
ConstitutiveLawDispatcher            400           64810867μs           63.49%      
     setup                            4926145            7649131μs           15.25%  
     geom                             4926145           23216292μs           46.28%  
     material                         4926145            8595686μs           17.14%  
     rest                             4926145           10700007μs           21.33%  
     TOTAL                                              50161117μs          100.00%  
"damper"                             400            1866816μs            1.83%      
"strainer"                           400              21589μs            0.02%      
"plotDataCollector"                  160              64284μs            0.06%      
"damageChecker"                        9               3272μs            0.00%      
TOTAL                                             102077490μs          100.00%      


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