:mod:`woo.triangulated` ==================================== .. inheritance-diagram:: woo.triangulated :parts: 2 .. automodule:: woo.triangulated :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: MeshImport .. autoclass:: MeshImport :members: :exclude-members: file, preScale, node, halfThick, fakeVel, tessMaxBox, tagged, color, __init__, __getstate__, __setstate__ :special-members: [:woosrc:`py/triangulated.py `] .. attribute:: file (= '') Mesh file to be imported (STL) [type: str, existing filename] .. attribute:: preScale (= 1.0) Scaling, applied before other transformations. [type: float] .. attribute:: node (= None) Node defining local coordinate system for importing (already :obj:`prescaled `) mesh; if not given, global coordinate system is assumed. [type: Node] .. attribute:: halfThick (= 0.0) Half thickness (:obj:`woo.dem.Facet.halfThick`) assigned to all created facets. If zero, don't assign :obj:`~woo.dem.Facet.halfThick`. [type: float, unit: m, preferred unit: mm] .. attribute:: fakeVel (= Vector3(0,0,0)) :obj:`Fake surface velocity ` set (as-is) on all imported facets; if ``(0,0,0)`` (default), nothing is set. [type: Vector3, unit: m/s] .. attribute:: tessMaxBox (= 0.0) Some importers (STL) can tesselated triangles so that their bounding box dimension does not exceed :obj:`tessMaxBox`. If non-positive, no tesselation will be done. [type: float, unit: m, preferred unit: mm] .. attribute:: tagged (= False) Use :obj:`woo.dem.DemDataTagged` to keep information about node number at input; this is only supported for some formats, and exception will be raise if used with format not supporting it }e.g. STL does not store vertices) [type: bool] .. attribute:: color (= nan) Pass resulting particle color (scalar) when importing; only effective for formats which support it (STL). *nan* disables [type: float] :mod:`woo._triangulated` ------------------------------------- .. note:: This module is imported into the :obj:`woo.triangulated` module automatically; refer to its objects through :obj:`woo.triangulated`. .. automodule:: woo._triangulated :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: MeshImport