OpenSUSE 13.1 ============== If on one-user machine, make /usr/local owned by yourself -- for easy installation and updates:: sudo chown $USER: -R /usr/local Install all dependencies: .. code-block:: bash # repository for libQGLViewer sudo zypper ar -f # repository for git>=1.8.5 (13.1 has 1.8.4) sudo zypper ar -f # repository for gts-snapshot sudo zypper ar -f # reload repositories; type "a" ("trust always") for new repository keys sudo zypper update # install everything what is packaged # IMPORTANT: there will be vendor cachanges (KDE:Qt.repo) for packages # make sure you accept all of them! sudo zypper install git scons ccache gcc-c++ binutils-gold libeigen3-devel boost-devel ipython python-matplotlib python-numpy python-genshi python-xlwt python-xlrd python-h5py python-lockfile python-xlib python-imaging vtk-devel ipython hdf5-devel python-pip python-Cython python-devel python-numpy-devel python-psutil python-colorama freeglut-devel libgle-devel libqt4-devel python-qt4-devel python-qt4-utils libQGLViewer-devel vtk-devel gts-snapshot-devel # patch vtk-6.0 headers, to work around sudo perl -pi -e's/\((isnan|isinf|isfinite)/\(std::$1/' /usr/include/vtk-6.0/vtkMath.h # locally compile python modules which are not packaged # do not use python-h5py package since there may be hdf5 version mismatch for some reason sudo pip install h5py minieigen colour_runner Now grab and compile woo itself: .. code-block:: bash # get Woo source git clone # compile (drink coffee); adjust jobs=... to number of cores, and at least 4GB RAM/job scons jobs=4 CXX='ccache g++' brief=0 features=qt4,opengl,vtk,openmp,gts CPPPATH=/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/:/usr/include/eigen3:/usr/include/vtk-6.1 LIBPATH=/usr/lib64/vtk LIBDIR=/usr/local/lib64/python2.7/site-packages EXECDIR=/usr/local/bin # run self-tests woo --test # later, try integrated git update & rebuild woo -RR