Source code for wooMain

# encoding: utf-8


import sys, os

[docs]class WooOptions(object): def __init__(self): '''Object holding load-time options for Woo. The object's dictionary is frozen after construction, which prevents mistakenly adding non-existing option. Do not construct this object directly, set attributes of the :obj:`wooMain.options` instance instead.''' self.forceNoGui=False self.ompThreads=0 self.ompCores=[] self.flavor='' if 'WOO_FLAVOR' in os.environ: self.flavor=os.environ['WOO_FLAVOR'] sys.stderr.write('Woo: honoring WOO_FLAVOR=%s\n'%os.environ['WOO_FLAVOR']) self.debug=False self.clDev=None self.fakeDisplay=False self.batchTable='' self.batchLine=-1 # if >=0, in a batch without batchTable self.batchResults='' self.quirks=3 ### was 3, but Intel seems to work now OK self.quirkIntel=1 self.quirkFirePro=2 ## internal use only; ignores some import errors which will not make rebuilding as such fail self.rebuilding=False # no attributes can be added beyond this point self._frozen=None def __setattr__(self,name,value): if not hasattr(self,'_frozen') or hasattr(self,name): object.__setattr__(self,name,value) else: raise AttributeError('No such attribute: '+name)
options=WooOptions() 'Hold load-time options for the compiled part of Woo. Usually modified by command-line switches, but can be used directly if Woo is imported from "pure" Python.' def makeColorFuncs(colors,dumbWinColors=False): try: import sys # this was a (failed) attempt to fix ipython_console in sphinx # since I though it was being broken by colorama if sys.getdefaultencoding()=='utf-8' and False : sys.stderr.write(100*'@'+'NOTE: Not importing colorama, since we are probably generating documentation (sys.getdefaultencoding()=="utf-8")\n') raise ImportError import colorama pass# work around # not under Windows, or under Windows in dumb "terminal" (cmd.exe), where autodetection works if not WIN: colorama.init() # windows with proper terminal emulator elif 'TERM' in os.environ: colorama.init(autoreset=True,convert=False,strip=False) # dumb windows terminal - no colors for our messages, but IPython prompts is colorized properly else: if dumbWinColors: colorama.init() # used for batch output else: raise ImportError # this would break ipython prompt completely ret=[] for c in colors: if c in ('BRIGHT',): ret+=[lambda s,c=c: getattr(colorama.Style,c)+s+colorama.Style.RESET_ALL] else: ret+=[lambda s,c=c: getattr(colorama.Fore,c)+s+colorama.Fore.RESET] return ret except ImportError: return [lambda s: s]*len(colors) ## special setup for frozen configuration if hasattr(sys,'frozen'): # set IPYTHON dir, if we are in read-only location # reported at from os.path import expanduser os.environ['IPYTHONDIR']=expanduser('~/.ipython') def flavorFromArgv0(argv0,batch=False): import re if WIN: a0=re.sub('','',argv0) else: a0=argv0 m=re.match('(.*[/\\\\]|)(w|)woo(?P<flavor>-[a-zA-Z_0-9-]*|)'+('[-_]batch' if batch else ''),a0) if m: if'flavor')=='': return '' return'flavor')[1:] # strip leading dash raise ValueError('Woo flavor could not be guessed from program name: '+argv0)
[docs]def main(sysArgv=None): '''Entry point for the woo executable. *sysArgv* (if specified) replaces sys.argv, which is used for option processing. ''' import sys,os,os.path,time,re,logging,subprocess if sysArgv: sys.argv=sysArgv global options # handle command-line options first import argparse par=argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),description="Woo: open-source platform for dynamic computations,,") par.add_argument('--version',action='store_true',) # # those MUST be stored in *options* # par.add_argument('-j','--threads',help='Number of OpenMP threads to run; unset (0) by default, which means to use all available cores, but at most 4. Equivalent to setting OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable.',dest='threads',type=int,default=0) par.add_argument('--cores',help='Comma-separated list of cores to use - determined number of OpenMP threads and sets affinity for those threads as well.',dest='cores') par.add_argument('--cl-dev',help='Numerical couple (comma-separated) givin OpenCL platform/device indices. This is machine-dependent value',dest='clDev') par.add_argument('-n',help="Run without graphical interface (equivalent to unsetting the DISPLAY environment variable)",dest='nogui',action='store_true') par.add_argument('-D','--debug',help='Run the debug build, if available.',dest='debug',action='store_true') # quirks set flags in options par.add_argument('--quirks',help='Bitmask for workarounds for broken configurations; all quirks are enabled by default. 1: set LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 for Intel GPUs (determined from `lspci | grep VGA`) (avoids GPU freeze), 2: set --in-gdb when on AMD FirePro GPUs to avoid crash in (only when using the fglrx driver)',dest='quirks',type=int,default=3) # , except the Intel one (seems to work properly now) par.add_argument('--flavor',help='Build flavor of woo to use.',type=str,default=flavorFromArgv0(sys.argv[0])) # batch-related options (replacing WOO_BATCH env var) par.add_argument('--batch-table',help='Batch table file.',dest='batchTable',type=str,default=''), par.add_argument('--batch-line',help='Batch table line.',dest='batchLine',type=int,default=-1), par.add_argument('--batch-results',help='Batch results file.',dest='batchResults',type=str,default=''), # # end store in *options* # par.add_argument('-c',help='Run these python commands after the start (use -x to exit afterwards)',dest='commands',metavar='COMMANDS') par.add_argument('-e',help='Evaluate this expression (instead of loading file). It should be a scene object or a preprocessor, which will be run',dest='expression',metavar='EXPR') # par.add_argument('--update',help='Update deprecated class names in given script(s) using text search & replace. Changed files will be backed up with ~ suffix. Exit when done without running any simulation.',dest='updateScripts',action='store_true') par.add_argument('--paused',help='When proprocessor or simulation is given on the command-line, don\'t run it automatically (default)',action='store_true') par.add_argument('--nice',help='Increase nice level (i.e. decrease priority) by given number.',dest='nice',type=int) par.add_argument('-x',help='Exit when the script finishes',dest='exitAfter',action='store_true') par.add_argument('-v',help='Increase logging verbosity; first occurence sets default logging level to info (only available if built with log4cxx), second to debug, third to trace.',action='count',dest='verbosity') # par.add_argument('--generate-manpage',help="Generate man page documenting this program and exit",dest='manpage',metavar='FILE') if not WIN: par.add_argument('-R','--rebuild',help="Re-run build in the source directory, then run the updated woo with the same command line except --rebuild. The build flavor for this build and its stored parameters will be used. If given twice, update from the repository will be attempted before recompilation.",dest='rebuild',action='count') par.add_argument('--test',help="Run regression test suite and exit; the exists status is 0 if all tests pass, 1 if a test fails and 2 for an unspecified exception.",dest="test",action='store_true') par.add_argument('--no-gdb',help='Do not show backtrace when Woo crashes (only effective with \-\-debug).',dest='noGdb',action='store_true',) par.add_argument('--in-gdb',help='Run Woo inside gdb (must be in $PATH).',dest='inGdb',action='store_true') par.add_argument('--in-lldb',help='Run Woo inside lldb (must be in $PATH; executables tried are lldb, lldb-7, lldb-8, lddb-9 in this order).',dest='inLldb',action='store_true') par.add_argument('--in-pdb',help='Run Woo inside pdb',dest='inPdb',action='store_true') par.add_argument('--in-valgrind',help='Run inside valgrind (must be in $PATH); automatically adds python ignore files',dest='inValgrind',action='store_true') par.add_argument('--fake-display',help='Allow importing the woo.qt module without initializing Qt. This is only useful for generating documentation and should not be used otherwise.',dest='fakeDisplay',action='store_true') par.add_argument('simulation',nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) opts=par.parse_args() if WIN: opts.rebuild=False # make sure it is defined args=opts.simulation green,red,yellow,bright=makeColorFuncs(['GREEN','RED','YELLOW','BRIGHT']) # copy options (will be used in woo/ options.ompThreads=opts.threads if opts.cores: try: options.ompCores=[int(c) for c in opts.cores.split(',')] except ValueError: raise ValueError('--cores must be comma-separated list of integers, e.g. --cores=0,1,2.') else: options.ompCores=[] options.clDev=opts.clDev options.forceNoGui=opts.nogui options.debug=opts.debug options.quirks=opts.quirks options.flavor=opts.flavor options.fakeDisplay=opts.fakeDisplay # disable quirks in those cases if (opts.version or opts.inGdb or opts.test or opts.rebuild): options.quirks=opts.quirks=0 # show version and exit if opts.version: import woo.config print('%s (%s)'%(woo.config.prettyVersion(),','.join(woo.config.features))) sys.exit(0) # re-build woo so that the binary is up-to-date if opts.rebuild: # only possible under Linux options.rebuilding=True import woo.config, glob if not woo.config.sourceRoot: raise RuntimeError('This build does not define woo.config.sourceRoot (packaged version?)') if opts.rebuild>1: if os.path.exists(woo.config.sourceRoot+'/.git'): cmd=['git','-C',woo.config.sourceRoot,'pull','origin'] elif os.path.exists(woo.config.sourceRoot+'/.bzr'): cmd=['bzr','up',woo.config.sourceRoot] print('Updating Woo using '+' '.join(cmd)) if raise RuntimeError('Error updating Woo from repository.') # find updatable dirs in wooExtra for d in glob.glob(woo.config.sourceRoot+'/wooExtra/*')+glob.glob(woo.config.sourceRoot+'/wooExtra/*/*'): dd=os.path.abspath(d) if not os.path.isdir(dd): continue cmd=None if os.path.exists(dd+'/.git'): cmd=['git','-C',dd,'pull','origin'] if not cmd: continue print('Running: '+' '.join(cmd)) if raise RuntimeError('Error updating %s from repository.'%(dd)) # rebuild # cmake if hasattr(woo.config,'buildJobs') and woo.config.buildJobs>0: jobs=['-j',str(woo.config.buildJobs)] else: jobs=[] cmd=([woo.config.buildProgram]+jobs+['-C',woo.config.buildRoot,'install']) print('Rebuilding Woo using',' '.join(cmd)) if raise RuntimeError('Error rebuilding Woo (--rebuild).') # run ourselves if '--rebuild' in sys.argv: argv=[v for v in sys.argv if v!='--rebuild'] else: argv=[(v.replace('R','') if re.match('^-[a-zA-Z]*$',v) else v) for v in sys.argv if v!='-R' and v!='-RR'] print('Running Woo using',' '.join(argv)) sys.exit( # QUIRK running in gdb if (options.quirks & options.quirkFirePro) and (not options.forceNoGui and 'DISPLAY' in os.environ): vgas=os.popen("LC_ALL=C /sbin/lspci -nnk 2>/dev/null | grep VGA -A3").readlines() if sum (['FirePro' in vga for vga in vgas]): if sum(['fglrx' in vga for vga in vgas]): print('AMD FirePro GPU detected, will run inside gdb to avoid crash in buggy') opts.inGdb=True # disable quirk to avoid infinite loop sys.argv=[sys.argv[0]]+['--quirks=%d'%(options.quirks&(~options.quirkFirePro))]+[a for a in sys.argv[1:] if not a.startswith('--quirks')] else: pass # print 'AMD FirePro GPU without fglrx detected (quirk ignored).' # re-run inside gdb if opts.inGdb: import tempfile, subprocess # windows can't open opened file, don't delete it then # Linux: delete afterwards, since gdb can open it in the meantime without problem gdbBatch=tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='woo-gdb-',delete=(not WIN)) sep='' if WIN else "'" # gdb seems to read files differently on windows?? args=[sep+arg.replace("'",r"\'").replace('\\','/')+sep for arg in sys.argv if arg!='--in-gdb'] gdbBatch.write(('set pagination off\nrun '+' '.join(args)+'\n').encode('utf-8')) if WIN: gdbBatch.close() else: gdbBatch.flush() if opts.debug: print('Spawning: gdb -x '' '+sys.executable) sys.exit(['gdb']+([] if opts.debug else ['-batch-silent'])+['-x',,sys.executable])) if opts.inLldb: lldbExec,lldbMaybe=None,['lldb','lldb-7','lldb-8','lldb-9'] import shutil for ll in lldbMaybe: lldbExec=shutil.which(ll) if lldbExec: break if lldbExec is None: raise RuntimeError("Unable to find any of %s in $PATH"%(','.join(lldbMaybe))) cmd=[lldbExec,sys.executable,'--batch','--one-line','run','--one-line-on-crash','bt all','--']+[arg for arg in sys.argv if arg!='--in-lldb'] if opts.debug: print('Spawning: ',' '.join(cmd)) sys.exit( if opts.inValgrind: import urllib.request,os.path saveTo='/tmp/valgrind-python.supp' if not os.path.exists(saveTo): print('Downloading '+saveTo) urllib.request.urlretrieve('',saveTo) else: print('Using already-downloaded '+saveTo) args=['valgrind','--suppressions='+saveTo,sys.executable]+[a for a in sys.argv if a!='--in-valgrind'] print('Running',' '.join(args)) sys.exit( # run this instance inside pdb if opts.inPdb: import pdb pdb.set_trace() ## run regression test suite and exit if opts.test: import woo.tests woo.tests.testAll(sysExit=True) options.batchLine=opts.batchLine # copy this one in all cases if opts.batchTable: if opts.batchLine<0: raise RuntimeError('--batch-table given without --batch--line.') options.batchTable=opts.batchTable options.batchLine=opts.batchLine # this can be given even without batch line & table if opts.batchResults: options.batchResults=opts.batchResults if 'WOO_BATCH' in os.environ: raise RuntimeError('WOO_BATCH env var exists, but --batch-table was also specified (WOO_BATCH is deprecated, it can still be used for backwards-compatibility, but not mixed with --batch-table).') if 'WOO_BATCH' in os.environ: batch=os.environ['WOO_BATCH'].split(':') if len(batch) not in (2,3): raise RuntimeError('WOO_BATCH environment variable is malformed.') options.batchTable=batch[0] options.batchLine=int(batch[1]) if len(batch)>2: options.batchResults=batch[2] print('WOO_BATCH environment variable is still honored, but deprecated. Say --batch-table=%s --batch-line=%d '%(options.batchTable,options.batchLine)+(' --batch-results=%s'%options.batchResults)+' instead.') # c++ boot code checks for WOO_DEBUG at some places; debug verbosity is equivalent # do this early, to have debug messages in the boot code (plugin registration etc) #print opts.verbosity,type(opts.verbosity) if opts.verbosity and opts.verbosity>1: os.environ['WOO_DEBUG']='1' # initialization and c++ plugins import import woo # other parts we will need soon import woo.config import woo.runtime sys.stderr.write(green('Welcome to '+bright('Woo '+woo.config.prettyVersion())+'%s%s'%(' (debug build)' if woo.config.debug else '',(', flavor '+woo.config.flavor if woo.config.flavor else '')))+', API %d\n'%woo.master.api) ex=set([e.split('.')[1] for e in sys.modules.keys() if e.startswith('wooExtra.')]) if ex: sys.stderr.write(yellow('wooExtra modules loaded: '+bright(', '.join(ex))+'\n')) import woo.log import woo.system # continue option processing if opts.nice: if WIN: try: import psutil if opts.nice<-10: wcl=psutil.HIGH_PRIORITY_PRIORITY_CLASS elif opts.nice<0: wcl=psutil.ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS elif opts.nice==0: wcl=psutil.NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS elif opts.nice<10: wcl=psutil.BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS else: wcl=psutil.IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS psutil.Process(os.getpid()).nice=wcl except ImportError: logging.warn('Nice value %d ignored, since module psutil could not be imported (Windows only)'%opts.nice) else: os.nice(opts.nice) if opts.noGdb: woo.master.disableGdb() if opts.verbosity and (('log4cxx' in woo.config.features) or ('spdlog' in woo.config.features)): woo.log.setLevel('',[woo.log.INFO,woo.log.DEBUG,woo.log.TRACE][min(opts.verbosity,2)]) ## modify sys.argv in-place so that it can be handled by userSession woo.runtime.origArgv=sys.argv[:] sys.argv=woo.runtime.argv=args woo.runtime.opts=opts # be helpful when not overridden def onSelection(o): print("You selected an object. Define your own useful *onSelection(obj)* function to process it.") #from math import * # avoid warnings from ipython import ( # the same is in gui/qt4/, where IPython is imported earlier than here, if $DISPLAY is present import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore',category=DeprecationWarning,module='.*/IPython/.*') # # select gui to use # try: import woo.qt # this import fails if running with -n or $DISPLAY can't be connected to if 'qt4' in woo.config.features: gui='qt4' else: gui='qt5' except ImportError: gui=None if woo.runtime.hasDisplay is None: woo.runtime.hasDisplay=False # run remote access things, before actually starting the user session from woo import remote, batch woo.remote.useQThread=(gui in ('qt4','qt5') and not opts.fakeDisplay) # only run XMLRPC server when in batch # do not run the TCP command prompt, is probably useless now woo.remote.runServers(xmlrpc=batch.inBatch(),tcpPy=False) # for scripts #from woo import * #from math import * import woo.plot # monkey-patches, which require woo.runtime.hasDisplay (hence not importable from _monkey :/) if gui==None or opts.fakeDisplay: ipythonSession(opts) elif gui in ('qt4','qt5'): ## we already tested that DISPLAY is available and can be opened ### otherwise Qt4 might crash at this point #import woo.qt # this handles all Qt imports ipythonSession(opts,qt=True,qapp=woo.qt.wooQApp,qtConsole=woo.qt.useQtConsole) #woo.master.exitNoBacktrace() # uninstall crash handlers woo.master.disableGdb() return 0
def ipythonSession(opts,qt=False,qapp=None,qtConsole=False): # prepare nice namespace for users import woo, woo.runtime, woo.config import sys, traceback, site try: import wooExtra except: pass if len(sys.argv)>0: arg0=sys.argv[0] if qt: woo.qt.Controller(); if arg0.endswith('.py'): # the script is reponsible for consuming all other arguments def runScript(script): sys.stderr.write("Running script "+arg0+'\n') try: exec(open(script,'r').read(),globals()) except SystemExit: raise except: # all other exceptions traceback.print_exc() if woo.runtime.opts.exitAfter: sys.exit(1) if woo.runtime.opts.exitAfter: sys.exit(0) __opts=opts runScript(arg0) opts=__opts # in case the script uses opts as well :| (ugly) else: if len(sys.argv)>1: raise RuntimeError('Extra arguments to file to load: '+' '.join(sys.argv[1:])) # attempt to load this file try: obj=woo.core.Object.load(arg0) except: traceback.print_exc() print('Error loading file (wrong format?)',arg0) sys.exit(1) if isinstance(obj,woo.core.Scene): sys.stderr.write("Running simulation "+arg0+'\n') woo.master.scene=obj elif isinstance(obj,woo.core.Preprocessor): sys.stderr.write("Using preprocessor "+arg0+'\n') import woo.batch woo.master.scene=woo.batch.runPreprocessor(obj,arg0) woo.master.scene.saveTmp() else: print('ERROR: Object loaded from "%s" is a %s (must be Scene or a Preprocessor)'%(arg0,type(obj).__name__)) sys.exit(1) if not opts.paused: # run the new simulation # wait for the Master (if scenes are switched) if woo.runtime.opts.exitAfter: woo.master.waitForScenes() if woo.runtime.opts.expression: # try to be smart iporting some modules import re m=re.match('(woo\.pre\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\.([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\(',opts.expression) if m: __import__( obj=eval(opts.expression) if isinstance(obj,woo.core.Scene): woo.master.scene=obj elif isinstance(obj,woo.core.Preprocessor): woo.master.scene=woo.batch.runPreprocessor(obj) woo.master.scene.saveTmp() else: raise ValueError('Expression given with -e must be a Scene or a Preprocessor, not a %s'%type(obj)) if not opts.paused: if woo.runtime.opts.exitAfter: woo.master.waitForScenes() if woo.runtime.opts.commands: exec(woo.runtime.opts.commands,globals(),locals()) if woo.runtime.opts.exitAfter: sys.stdout.write('Woo: normal exit.\n') # fake normal exit (so that batch looks fine if we crash at shutdown) sys.exit(0) # common ipython configuration ipconfig=dict( # ipython options, see e.g. banner1='[[ ^L clears screen, ^U kills line. '+', '.join(['F12 controller']+(['F11 3d view','F10 both'] if 'opengl' in woo.config.features else [])+(['F9 generator'] if qt else [])+['F8 plot'])+'. ]]\n', prompt_in1='Woo [\#]: ', prompt_in2=' .\D.: ', prompt_out=" -> [\#]: ", separate_in='',separate_out='',separate_out2='', readline_parse_and_bind=[ 'tab: complete', # only with the gui; the escape codes might not work on non-linux terminals. ] +(['"\e[24~": "\C-Uwoo.qt.Controller();\C-M"']+(['"\e[23~": "\C-Uwoo.qt.View();\C-M"','"\e[21~": "\C-Uwoo.qt.Controller(), woo.qt.View();\C-M"'] if 'opengl' in woo.config.features else [])+['"\e[20~": "\C-Uwoo.qt.Generator();\C-M"'] if qt else []) # F12,F11,F10,F9 +['"\e[19~": "\C-Uwoo.master.scene.plot.plot();\C-M"', #F8 '"\e[A": history-search-backward', '"\e[B": history-search-forward', # incremental history forward/backward ] ) # shortcuts don't really work under windows, show controller directly in that case if qt and WIN: woo.qt.Controller() ipython_version=woo.runtime.ipython_version() # show python console if qtConsole: qapp.start() else: from IPython.terminal.embed import InteractiveShellEmbed # use the dict to set attributes for k in ipconfig: setattr(InteractiveShellEmbed,k,ipconfig[k]) ipshell=InteractiveShellEmbed() if ipython_version<500: ipshell.prompt_manager.in_template= 'Woo [\#]: ' ipshell.prompt_manager.in2_template=' .\D.: ' ipshell.prompt_manager.out_template=' -> [\#]: ' # IPython >= 5.0 else: # important, equivalent to %gui qt5 magick if qt: ipshell.enable_gui('qt5' if 'qt5' in woo.config.features else 'qt4') # custom prompt # from IPython.terminal.prompts import Prompts, Token class WooPrompt(Prompts): def in_prompt_tokens(self,cli=None): return [(Token.Prompt,'Woo ['),(Token.PromptNum,str(,(Token.Prompt,']: '),(Token.Generic,'')] def out_prompt_tokens(self): return [(Token.OutPrompt,'--> ['),(Token.OutPromptNum,str(,(Token.OutPrompt,']: '),(Token.Generic,'')] try: # IPython<7.0 if hasattr(ipshell,'pt_cli'): registry=ipshell.pt_cli.application.key_bindings_registry # IPython 7.x elif hasattr(ipshell,'pt_app'): registry=ipshell.pt_app.key_bindings else: registry=None except: registry=None if registry: # shortcuts setup # tersely documented at from prompt_toolkit.keys import Keys import traceback def _catch(c): 'Wrap all shortcut calls in this catcher, otherwise the whole program crashes when there is exception in the event callback' try: c() except: traceback.print_exc() # add shortcuts here (we discard the event object which the callback always receives) registry.add_binding(Keys.F8)(lambda e: _catch(lambda: woo.master.scene.plot.plot())) if qt: registry.add_binding(Keys.F9)(lambda e: _catch(lambda: woo.qt.Generator())) registry.add_binding(Keys.F12)(lambda e: _catch(lambda: woo.qt.Controller())) if 'opengl' in woo.config.features: registry.add_binding(Keys.F10)(lambda e: _catch(lambda: [woo.qt.Controller(),woo.qt.View()])) registry.add_binding(Keys.F11)(lambda e: _catch(lambda: woo.qt.View())) else: print('WARN: prompt_toolkit not used by IPython, key bindings were not set.') ipshell.prompts=WooPrompt(ipshell) ipshell() # similar to the workaround, as for 0.10 (perhaps not needed?) ipshell.atexit_operations()
[docs]def batch(sysArgv=None): '''Entry point for the woo-batch executable. *sysArgv* (if specified) replaces sys.argv, which is used for option processing. ''' import os, sys, _thread, time, logging, pipes, socket, xmlrpc.client, re, shutil, random, os.path if sysArgv: sys.argv=sysArgv green,red,yellow,bright=makeColorFuncs(['GREEN','RED','YELLOW','BRIGHT'],dumbWinColors=True) #socket.setdefaulttimeout(10) match=re.match(r'(.*)[_-]batch(-script\.py|.exe)?$',sys.argv[0]) if not match: print(sys.argv) raise RuntimeError(r'Batch executable "%s"does not match ".*[_-]batch(-script\.py)?"'%sys.argv[0]) global options options.forceNoGui=True options.debug=False options.quirks=0 options.flavor=flavorFromArgv0(sys.argv[0],batch=True) import woo, woo.batch, woo.config, woo.remote #re.sub('-batch(|.bat|.py)?$','\\1',sys.argv[0]) class JobInfo(object): def __init__(self,num,id,command,hrefCommand,log,nCores,script,table,lineNo,affinity,resultsDb,debug,executable,nice): self.started,self.finished,self.duration,self.durationSec,self.exitStatus=None,None,None,None,None # duration is a string, durationSec is a number self.command=command; self.hrefCommand=hrefCommand; self.num=num; self.log=log;; self.nCores=nCores; self.cores=set(); self.infoSocket=None self.script=script; self.table=table; self.lineNo=lineNo; self.affinity=affinity; self.resultsDb=resultsDb; self.debug=debug; self.executable=executable; self.nice=nice self.hasXmlrpc=False self.status='PENDING' self.threadNum=None self.winBatch=None self.plotsLastUpdate,self.plotsFile=0.,woo.master.tmpFilename()+'.'+woo.remote.plotImgFormat self.hrefCommand='{self.executable} <a href="jobs/{self.num}/table">--batch-table={self.table} --batch-line={self.lineNo} --batch-results={self.resultsDb}</a> <a href="jobs/{self.num}/script">{self.script}</a> &gt; <a href="jobs/{self.num}/log">{self.log}</a>'.format(self=self) if WIN: self.hrefCommand='<a href="jobs/{self.num}/winbatch">.bat</a>: '.format(self=self)+self.hrefCommand def prepareToRun(self): 'Assemble command to run as needed' import pipes batchOpts='--batch-table={self.table} --batch-line={self.lineNo} --batch-results={self.resultsDb}'.format(self=self) if WIN: self.winBatch=woo.master.tmpFilename()+'.bat' batch='@ECHO OFF\n' # don's show commands in terminal batch+='set OMP_NUM_THREADS=%d\n'%job.nCores batch+='set PYTHONIOENCODING=utf_8\n'%job.nCores #batch+='set WOO_BATCH={self.table}:{self.lineNo}:{self.resultsDb}\n'.format(self=self) #batch+='start /B /WAIT /LOW ' batch+='{self.executable} -x -n {batchOpts} {self.script} {debugFlag} > {self.log} 2>&1 \n'.format(self=self,batchOpts=batchOpts,debugFlag=('-D' if self.debug else '')) #sys.stderr.write(batch) f=open(self.winBatch,'w') f.write(batch) f.close() self.command=self.winBatch self.hrefCommand+='<br><tt><a href="jobs/{self.num}/winbatch">{self.command}</a></tt>'.format(self=self) else: ompOpt,niceOpt,debugOpt='','','' if self.cores: ompOpt='--cores=%s'%(','.join(str(c) for c in self.cores)) elif self.nCores: ompOpt='--threads=%d'%(self.nCores) if self.nice: niceOpt='--nice=%d'%self.nice if self.debug: debugOpt='--debug' self.command='PYTHONIOENCODING=utf_8 {self.executable} -x -n {batchOpts} {ompOpt} {niceOpt} {debugOpt} {self.script} > {logFile} 2>&1'.format(self=self,batchOpts=batchOpts,ompOpt=ompOpt,niceOpt=niceOpt,debugOpt=debugOpt,logFile=pipes.quote(self.log)) self.hrefCommand+='<br><tt>'+self.command+'</tt>' def saveInfo(self): log=open(self.log,'a') log.write(""" =================== JOB SUMMARY ================ id : %s status : %d (%s) duration: %s command : %s started : %s finished: %s """%(,self.exitStatus,'OK' if self.exitStatus==0 else 'FAILED',self.duration,self.command,time.asctime(time.localtime(self.started)),time.asctime(time.localtime(self.finished)))); log.close() def ensureXmlrpc(self): 'Attempt to establish xmlrpc connection to the job (if it does not exist yet). If the connection could not be established, as magic line was not found in the log, return False.' if self.hasXmlrpc: return True try: for l in open(self.log,'r'): if not l.startswith('XMLRPC info provider on'): continue url=l[:-1].split()[4] self.xmlrpcConn=xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(url,allow_none=True) self.hasXmlrpc=True return True except IOError: pass if not self.hasXmlrpc: return False # catches the case where the magic line is not in the log yet def getInfoDict(self): if self.status!='RUNNING': return None if not self.ensureXmlrpc(): return None try: return self.xmlrpcConn.basicInfo() except: print('Error getting simulation information via XMLRPC') def updatePlots(self): if self.status!='RUNNING': return if not self.ensureXmlrpc(): return if time.time()-self.plotsLastUpdate<opts.plotTimeout: #sys.stderr.write('[%g-%g=%g<%g]'%(time.time(),self.plotsLastUpdate,time.time()-self.plotsLastUpdate,opts.plotTimeout)) return img=None try: img=self.xmlrpcConn.plot() except: print('Error getting plot via XMLRPC') if not img: if os.path.exists(self.plotsFile): os.remove(self.plotsFile) return f=open(self.plotsFile,'wb') f.write( f.close() #sys.stderr.write('[Plot updated!]') self.plotsLastUpdate=time.time() # print woo.remote.plotImgFormat,'(%d bytes) written to %s'%(os.path.getsize(self.plotsFile),self.plotsFile) def htmlStats(self): ret='<tr>' ret+='<td>%s</td>' if self.status=='PENDING': ret+='<td bgcolor="grey">(pending)</td>' elif self.status=='RUNNING': ret+='<td bgcolor="yellow">%s</td>'%t2hhmmss(time.time()-self.started) elif self.status=='DONE': ret+='<td bgcolor="%s">%s</td>'%('lime' if self.exitStatus==0 else 'red',self.duration) info=self.getInfoDict() self.updatePlots() # checks for last update time if info: runningTime=time.time()-self.started stopAtStep,stopAtTime,step,_time=info['stopAtStep'],info['stopAtTime'],info['step'],info['time'] ret+='<td>' if stopAtStep>0: ret+='<nobr>%2.2f%% done</nobr><br/><nobr>step %d/%d</nobr>'%(step*100./stopAtStep,step,stopAtStep) finishTime=str(time.ctime(self.started+int(round(runningTime*(stopAtStep/step))))) ret+='<br/><font size="1"><nobr>ETA %s</nobr></font><br/>'%finishTime else: ret+='<nobr>step %d</nobr>'%step if runningTime!=0: ret+='<br/><nobr>avg %g/sec</nobr>'%(step/runningTime) ret+='<br/><nobr>&Delta;t %g s</nobr>'%info['dt'] ret+='<br/><nobr>%d particles</nobr><br/><nobr>%d contacts</nobr>'%(info['numBodies'],info['numIntrs']) if stopAtTime>0: ret+='<br/><nobr>%2.2f%% done</nobr><br/><nobr>time %g/%g s</nobr>'%(_time*100./stopAtTime,_time,stopAtTime) finishTime=str(time.ctime(self.started+int(round(runningTime*(stopAtTime/_time))))) ret+='<br/><font size="1"><nobr>ETA %s</nobr></font><br/>'%finishTime else: ret+='<br/><nobr>time %g s</nobr>'%_time if info['title']: ret+='<br/>title <i>%s</i>'%info['title'] if info['PID']: ret+='<br/>PID %d</br>'%info['PID'] ret+='</td>' else: ret+='<td> (no info) </td>' ret+='<td>%d%s</td>'%(self.nCores,(' ('+','.join([str(c) for c in self.cores])+')') if self.cores and self.status=='RUNNING' else '') # TODO: make clickable so that it can be served full-size if os.path.exists(self.plotsFile): if 0: pass ## all this mess to embed SVG; clicking on it does not work, though ## question posted at ## see also and #img='<object data="/jobs/%d/plots" type="%s" width="300px" alt="[plots]"/>'%(self.num,woo.remote.plotImgMimetype) #img='<iframe src="/jobs/%d/plots" type="%s" width="300px" alt="[plots]"/>'%(self.num,woo.remote.plotImgMimetype) #img='<embed src="/jobs/%d/plots" type="%s" width="300px" alt="[plots]"/>'%(self.num,woo.remote.plotImgMimetype)a img='<img src="/jobs/%d/plots" width="300px" alt="[plots]">'%(self.num) ret+='<td><a href="/jobs/%d/plots">%s</a></td>'%(self.num,img) else: ret+='<td> (no plots) </td>' ret+='<td>%s</td>'%self.hrefCommand ret+='</tr>' return ret def t2hhmmss(dt): return '%02d:%02d:%02d'%(dt//3600,(dt%3600)//60,(dt%60)) def totalRunningTime(): tt0,tt1=[j.started for j in jobs if j.started],[j.finished for j in jobs if j.finished]+[time.time()] # it is safe to suppose that if len(tt0)==0: return 0 # no job has been started at all return max(tt1)-min(tt0) def globalHtmlStats(): tt0=[j.started for j in jobs if j.started!=None] if len(tt0)>0: t0=min(tt0) else: t0=time.time() unfinished=len([j for j in jobs if j.status!='DONE']) nUsedCores=sum([j.nCores for j in jobs if j.status=='RUNNING']) # global maxJobs if unfinished: ret='<p>Running for %s, since %s.</p>'%(t2hhmmss(totalRunningTime()),time.ctime(t0)) else: failed=len([j for j in jobs if j.exitStatus!=0]) if jobs: lastFinished=max([j.finished for j in jobs]) else: lastFinished=time.time() # FIXME: do not report sum of runnign time of all jobs, only the real timespan ret='<p><span style="background-color:%s">Finished</span>, idle for %s, running time %s since %s.</p>'%('red' if failed else 'lime',t2hhmmss(time.time()-lastFinished),t2hhmmss(sum([j.finished-j.started for j in jobs if j.started is not None])),time.ctime(t0)) ret+='<p>Pid %d'%(os.getpid()) if opts.globalLog: ret+=', log <a href="/log">%s</a>'%(opts.globalLog) ret+='</p>' allCores,busyCores=set(range(0,maxJobs)),set().union(*(j.cores for j in jobs if j.status=='RUNNING')) ret+='<p>%d cores available, %d used + %d free.</p>'%(maxJobs,nUsedCores,maxJobs-nUsedCores) # show busy and free cores; gives nonsense if not all jobs have CPU affinity set # '([%s] = [%s] + [%s])'%(','.join([str(c) for c in allCores]),','.join([str(c) for c in busyCores]),','.join([str(c) for s in (allCores-busyCores)])) ret+='<h3>Jobs</h3>' nFailed=len([j for j in jobs if j.status=='DONE' and j.exitStatus!=0]) ret+='<p><b>%d</b> total, <b>%d</b> <span style="background-color:yellow">running</span>, <b>%d</b> <span style="background-color:lime">done</span>%s</p>'%(len(jobs),len([j for j in jobs if j.status=='RUNNING']), len([j for j in jobs if j.status=='DONE']),' (<b>%d <span style="background-color:red"><b>failed</b></span>)'%nFailed if nFailed>0 else '') return ret from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler,HTTPServer import socket,re,socketserver class HttpStatsServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn,BaseHTTPRequestHandler): favicon=None # binary favicon, created when first requested def do_GET(self): if not self.path or self.path=='/': self.sendGlobal() else: if self.path=='/favicon.ico': if not self.__class__.favicon: import pkg_resources self.__class__.favicon=open(pkg_resources.resource_filename('woo','data/woo-favicon.ico'),'rb').read() self.sendHttp(self.__class__.favicon,contentType='image/') return elif self.path=='/log' and opts.globalLog: self.sendTextFile(opts.globalLog,refresh=opts.refresh) return jobMatch=re.match('/jobs/([0-9]+)/(.*)',self.path) if not jobMatch: self.send_error(404,self.path); return jobId=int( if jobId>=len(jobs): self.send_error(404,self.path); return job=jobs[jobId] if rest=='plots': job.updatePlots() # internally checks for last update time self.sendFile(job.plotsFile,contentType=woo.remote.plotImgMimetype,refresh=(0 if job.status=='DONE' else opts.refresh)) elif rest=='log': if not os.path.exists(job.log): self.send_error(404,self.path); return ## once we authenticate properly, send the whole file ## self.sendTextFile(jobs[jobId].log,refresh=opts.refresh) ## now we have to filter away the cookie cookieRemoved=False; data='' for l in open(job.log): if not cookieRemoved and re.match('^.*TCP python prompt on .*, auth cookie.*$',l): ii=l.find('auth cookie `'); l=l[:ii+13]+'******'+l[ii+19:]; cookieRemoved=True data+=l self.sendHttp(data,contentType='text/plain;charset=utf-8;',refresh=(0 if job.status=='DONE' else opts.refresh)) elif rest=='script': self.sendPygmentizedFile(job.script,linenostep=5) elif rest=='table': if not job.table: return if job.table.endswith('.xls'): self.sendFile(job.table,contentType='application/') else: self.sendPygmentizedFile(job.table,hl_lines=[job.lineNo],linenostep=1) elif rest=='winbatch': if not job.winBatch: return self.sendPygmentizedFile(job.winBatch) else: self.send_error(404,self.path) return def log_request(self,req): pass def sendGlobal(self): html='<HTML><TITLE>Woo-batch at %s overview</TITLE><BODY>\n'%(socket.gethostname()) html+=globalHtmlStats() html+='<TABLE border=1><tr><th>id</th><th>status</th><th>info</th><th>cores</th><th>plots</th><th>command</th></tr>\n' for j in jobs: html+=j.htmlStats()+'\n' html+='</TABLE></BODY></HTML>' self.sendHttp(html,contentType='text/html',refresh=opts.refresh) # refresh sent as header def sendTextFile(self,fileName,**headers): if not os.path.exists(fileName): self.send_error(404); return import codecs,encoding='utf-8') self.sendHttp(,contentType='text/plain;charset=utf-8;',**headers) def sendFile(self,fileName,contentType,**headers): if not os.path.exists(fileName): self.send_error(404); return f=open(fileName,'rb') self.sendHttp(,contentType=contentType,**headers) def sendHttp(self,data,contentType,**headers): "Send file over http, using appropriate content-type. Headers are converted to strings. The *refresh* header is handled specially: if the value is 0, it is not sent at all." self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type',contentType) if 'refresh' in headers and headers['refresh']==0: del headers['refresh'] for h in headers: self.send_header(h,str(headers[h])) self.end_headers() if isinstance(data,str): data=data.encode('utf-8') # convert to bytes self.wfile.write(data) # global httpLastServe httpLastServe=time.time() def sendPygmentizedFile(self,f,**kw): if not os.path.exists(f): self.send_error(404); return try: import codecs from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter data=highlight(,encoding='utf-8').read(),PythonLexer(),HtmlFormatter(linenos=True,full=True,encoding='utf-8',title=os.path.abspath(f),**kw)) self.sendHttp(data,contentType='text/html;charset=utf-8;') except ImportError: self.sendTextFile(f) def runHttpStatsServer(): maxPort=11000; port=9080 while port<maxPort: try: server=HTTPServer(('',port),HttpStatsServer) import _thread; _thread.start_new_thread(server.serve_forever,()) print("http://localhost:%d shows batch summary"%port) import webbrowser'http://localhost:%d'%port) break except socket.error: port+=1 if port==maxPort: print("WARN: No free port in range 9080-11000, not starting HTTP stats server!") def runJob(job): import subprocess job.status='RUNNING' job.prepareToRun() job.started=time.time(); print((bright(yellow(' #{job.num} ({}{nCores}{cores}) started'))+' on {asctime}').format(job=job,nCores=('' if job.nCores==1 else '/%d'%job.nCores),cores=(' ['+','.join([str(c) for c in job.cores])+']') if job.cores else '',asctime=time.asctime())) #print '#%d cores',%(job.num,job.cores) sys.stdout.flush() if WIN:,shell=False) else: job.exitStatus=os.system(job.command) if job.exitStatus!=0: try: # fake normal exit, if crashing at the very end if len([l for l in open(job.log) if l.startswith('Woo: normal exit.')])>0: job.exitStatus=0 except: pass if job.exitStatus!=0: print(' #%d system exit status %d'%(job.num,job.exitStatus)) job.status='DONE' job.finished=time.time() dt=job.finished-job.started; job.durationSec=dt job.duration=t2hhmmss(dt) colorize=(lambda s: bright(green(s))) if job.exitStatus==0 else (lambda s: bright(red(s))) havePlot=False if os.path.exists(job.plotsFile): f=(job.log[:-3] if job.log.endswith('.log') else job.log+'.')+woo.remote.plotImgFormat try: shutil.copy(job.plotsFile,f) job.plotsFile=f havePlot=True except IOError: pass # file deleted in the meantime? print((colorize(' #{job.num} ({}{nCores}) {strStatus}')+'(exit status {job.exitStatus}), duration {job.duration}, log {job.log}{jobPlot}').format(job=job,nCores='' if job.nCores==1 else '/%d'%job.nCores,strStatus=('done ' if job.exitStatus==0 else 'FAILED '),jobPlot=(', plot %s'%(job.plotsFile) if havePlot else ''))) job.saveInfo() def runJobs(jobs,numCores): running,pending=0,len(jobs) inf=1000000 # time to sleep between check for finished jobs # this value is adjusted dynamically sleepTime=.5 sleepTimeMin,sleepTimeMax=.005,2 # in seconds; .005 is in the order of the startup time while (running>0) or (pending>0): pending,running,done=sum([j.nCores for j in jobs if j.status=='PENDING']),sum([j.nCores for j in jobs if j.status=='RUNNING']),sum([j.nCores for j in jobs if j.status=='DONE']) numFreeCores=numCores-running minRequire=min([inf]+[j.nCores for j in jobs if j.status=='PENDING']) if minRequire==inf: minRequire=0 #print pending,'pending;',running,'running;',done,'done;',numFreeCores,'free;',minRequire,'min' overloaded=False if minRequire>numFreeCores and running==0: overloaded=True # a job wants more cores than the total we have pendingJobs=[j for j in jobs if j.status=='PENDING'] if opts.randomize: random.shuffle(pendingJobs) for j in pendingJobs: if j.nCores<=numFreeCores or overloaded: freeCores=set(range(0,numCores))-set().union(*(j.cores for j in jobs if j.status=='RUNNING')) #print 'freeCores:',freeCores,'numFreeCores:',numFreeCores,'overloaded',overloaded if not overloaded: # only set cores if CPU affinity is desired; otherwise, just numer of cores is used if j.affinity: j.cores=list(freeCores)[0:j.nCores] # take required number of free cores # if overloaded, do not assign cores directly _thread.start_new_thread(runJob,(j,)) break # adjust sleepTime if some jobs have already finished if done>0: avgDone=sum([j.durationSec for j in jobs if j.status=='DONE'])/done # don't waist more than 5% of time by being idle sleepTime=max(min(.05*avgDone,sleepTimeMax),sleepTimeMin) time.sleep(sleepTime) ## FIXME: make this configurable, or auto-adjusting sys.stdout.flush() import sys,re,argparse,os,multiprocessing numCores=multiprocessing.cpu_count() maxOmpThreads=numCores if 'openmp' in woo.config.features else 1 parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Woo: batch system: runs Woo simulation multiple times with different parameters.\n\nSee for details.\n\nBatch can be specified either with parameter table TABLE (must not end in .py), which is either followed by exactly one (must end in .py), or contains !SCRIPT column specifying the simulation to be run. The second option is to specify multiple scripts, which can optionally have /nCores suffix to specify number of cores for that particular simulation (corresponds to !THREADS column in the parameter table), e.g.') parser.add_argument('-j','--jobs',dest='maxJobs',type=int,help="Maximum number of simultaneous threads to run (default: number of cores, further limited by OMP_NUM_THREADS if set by the environment: %d)"%numCores,metavar='NUM',default=numCores) parser.add_argument('--job-threads',dest='defaultThreads',type=int,help="Default number of threads for one job; can be overridden by per-job with !THREADS (or !OMP_NUM_THREADS) column. Defaults to 1.",metavar='NUM',default=1) parser.add_argument('--force-threads',action='store_true',dest='forceThreads',help='Force jobs to not use more cores than the maximum (see \-j), even if !THREADS colums specifies more.') parser.add_argument('--log',dest='logFormat',help='Format of job log files: must contain a $, %% or @, which will be replaced by script name, line number or by title column respectively. Directory for logs will be created automatically. (default: logs/$.@.log)',metavar='FORMAT',default='logs/$.@.log') parser.add_argument('--global-log',dest='globalLog',help='Filename where to redirect output of woo-batch itself (as opposed to \-\-log); if not specified (default), stdout/stderr are used',metavar='FILE') parser.add_argument('-l','--lines',dest='lineList',help='Lines of TABLE to use, in the format 2,3-5,8,11-13 (default: all available lines in TABLE)',metavar='LIST') parser.add_argument('--results',dest='resultsDb',help='File (HDF5 or SQLite) where simulation should store its results (such as input/output files and some data); the default is to use {tableName}.hdf5 ({tableName}.sqlite under Windows), if there is a param table, otherwise each simulation defines its own default files to write results in.\nThe preferred format is HDF5 (usually *.hdf5, *.h5, *.he5, *.hdf), SQLite is used for *.sqlite, *.db.',default=None) parser.add_argument('--nice',dest='nice',type=int,help='Nice value of spawned jobs (default: 10)',default=10) parser.add_argument('--cpu-affinity',dest='affinity',action='store_true',help='Bind each job to specific CPU cores; cores are assigned in a quasi-random order, depending on availability at the moment the jobs is started. Each job can override this setting by setting AFFINE column.') parser.add_argument('--executable',dest='executable',help='Name of the program to run (default: %s). Jobs can override with !EXEC column.'%executable,default=executable,metavar='FILE') parser.add_argument('--rebuild',dest='rebuild',help='Run executable(s) with --rebuild prior to running any jobs.',default=False,action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--debug',dest='debug',action='store_true',help='Run the executable with --debug. Can be overriddenn per-job with !DEBUG column.',default=False) parser.add_argument('--gnuplot',dest='gnuplotOut',help='Gnuplot file where gnuplot from all jobs should be put together',default=None,metavar='FILE') parser.add_argument('--dry-run',action='store_true',dest='dryRun',help='Do not actually run (useful for getting gnuplot only, for instance)',default=False) parser.add_argument('--http-wait',action='store_true',dest='httpWait',help='Do not quit if still serving overview over http repeatedly',default=False) parser.add_argument('--exit-prompt',action='store_true',dest='exitPrompt',help='Do not quit until a key is pressed in the terminal (useful for reviewing plots after all simulations finish).',default=False) # parser.add_argument('--generate-manpage',help='Generate man page documenting this program and exit',dest='manpage',metavar='FILE') parser.add_argument('--plot-update',type=int,dest='plotAlwaysUpdateTime',help='Interval (in seconds) at which job plots will be updated even if not requested via HTTP. Non-positive values will make the plots not being updated and saved unless requested via HTTP (see \-\-plot-timeout for controlling maximum age of those). Plots are saved at exit under the same name as the log file, with the .log extension removed. (default: 120 seconds)',metavar='TIME',default=120) parser.add_argument('--plot-timeout',type=int,dest='plotTimeout',help='Maximum age (in seconds) of plots served over HTTP; they will be updated if they are older. (default: 30 seconds)',metavar='TIME',default=30) parser.add_argument('--refresh',type=int,dest='refresh',help='Refresh rate of automatically reloaded web pages (summary, logs, ...).',metavar='TIME',default=30) parser.add_argument('--timing',type=int,dest='timing',default=0,metavar='COUNT',help='Repeat each job COUNT times, and output a simple table with average/variance/minimum/maximum job duration; used for measuring how various parameters affect execution time. Jobs can override the global value with the !COUNT column.') parser.add_argument('--timing-output',type=str,metavar='FILE',dest='timingOut',default=None,help='With --timing, save measured durations to FILE, instead of writing to standard output.') parser.add_argument('--randomize',action='store_true',dest='randomize',help='Randomize job order (within constraints given by assigned cores).') parser.add_argument('--no-table',action='store_true',dest='notable',help='Treat all command-line argument as simulations to be run, either python scripts or saved simulations.') parser.add_argument('simulations',nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) #parser.add_argument('--serial',action='store_true',dest='serial',default=False,help='Run all jobs serially, even if there are free cores opts=parser.parse_args() args=opts.simulations logFormat,lineList,maxJobs,nice,executable,gnuplotOut,dryRun,httpWait,globalLog=opts.logFormat,opts.lineList,opts.maxJobs,opts.nice,opts.executable,opts.gnuplotOut,opts.dryRun,opts.httpWait,opts.globalLog #if opts.manpage: # import woo.manpage # woo.config.metadata['short_desc']='batch system for computational platform Woo' # woo.config.metadata['long_desc']='Manage batches of computation jobs for the Woo platform; batches are described using text-file tables with parameters which are passed to individual runs of woo. Jobs are being run with pre-defined number of computational cores as soon as the required number of cores is available. Logs of all computations are stored in files and the batch progress can be watched online at (usually) http://localhost:9080. Unless overridden, the executable woo%s is used to run jobs.'%(suffix) # woo.manpage.generate_manpage(parser,woo.config.metadata,opts.manpage,section=1,seealso='woo%s (1)\\n'%suffix) # print 'Manual page %s generated.'%opts.manpage # sys.exit(0) tailProcess=None def runTailProcess(globalLog): import subprocess["tail","--line=+0","-f",globalLog]) if not WIN and globalLog and False : print('Redirecting all output to',globalLog) # if not deleted, tail detects truncation and outputs multiple times if os.path.exists(globalLog): os.remove(globalLog) sys.stderr=open(globalLog,"wb") sys.stderr.truncate() sys.stdout=sys.stderr # try to run tee in separate thread import _thread _thread.start_new_thread(runTailProcess,(globalLog,)) if len([1 for a in args if re.match('.*\.py(/[0-9]+)?',a)])==len(args) and len(args)!=0 or opts.notable: # if all args end in .py, they are simulations that we will run table=None; scripts=args elif len(args)==2: table,scripts=args[0],[args[1]] elif len(args)==1: table,scripts=args[0],[] else: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) print("Will run simulation(s) %s using `%s', nice value %d, using max %d cores."%(scripts,executable,nice,maxJobs)) if table: reader=woo.batch.TableParamReader(table) params=reader.paramDict() availableLines=list(params.keys()) print("Will use table `%s', with available lines"%(table),', '.join([str(i) for i in availableLines])+'.') if lineList: useLines=[] def numRange2List(s): ret=[] for l in s.split(','): if "-" in l: ret+=list(range(*[int(s) for s in l.split('-')])); ret+=[ret[-1]+1] else: ret+=[int(l)] return ret useLines0=numRange2List(lineList) for l in useLines0: if l not in availableLines: logging.warn('Skipping unavailable line %d that was requested from the command line.'%l) else: useLines+=[l] else: useLines=availableLines print("Will use lines ",', '.join([str(i)+' (%s)'%params[i]['title'] for i in useLines])+'.') else: print("Running %d stand-alone simulation(s) in batch mode."%(len(scripts))) useLines=[] params={} for i,s in enumerate(scripts): fakeLineNo=i useLines.append(fakeLineNo) params[fakeLineNo]={'title':'default','!SCRIPT':s} # fix script and set threads if m=re.match('(.*)(/[0-9]+)$',s) if m: params[fakeLineNo]['!SCRIPT'] params[fakeLineNo]['!THREADS']=int([1:]) jobs=[] executables=set() logFiles=[] if opts.resultsDb==None: prefExt=('hdf5' if not sys.platform=='win32' else 'sqlite') resultsDb='%s.%s'%(table,prefExt) if table else 'batch.'+prefExt else: resultsDb=opts.resultsDb print('Results database is',os.path.abspath(resultsDb)) if woo.batch.mayHaveStaleLock(resultsDb): print(100*'###'+'\n The results database (%s) is locked\n\nThe lock might be stale (unless something is really writing results right now) which will make simulation to hang waiting for the lock to be released. If you encounter problems (simulations never finishing), try to break the lock by deleting the lock file (by default, %s.lock)\n\n'%(resultsDb,resultsDb)+100*'###') for i,l in enumerate(useLines): script=scripts[0] if len(scripts)>0 else None envVars=[] nCores=opts.defaultThreads jobExecutable=executable jobAffinity=opts.affinity jobDebug=opts.debug jobCount=opts.timing for col in params[l].keys(): if col[0]!='!': continue val=params[l][col] if col=='!OMP_NUM_THREADS' or col=='!THREADS': nCores=int(float(val)) elif col=='!EXEC': jobExecutable=val elif col=='!SCRIPT': script=val elif col=='!AFFINITY': jobAffinity=eval(val) elif col=='!DEBUG': jobDebug=eval(val) elif col=='!COUNT': jobCount=eval(val) else: envVars+=['%s=%s'%(col[1:],val)] if not script: raise ValueError('When only batch table is given without script to run, it must contain !SCRIPT column with simulation to be run.') logFile=logFormat.replace('$',script).replace('%',str(l)).replace('@',params[l]['title'].replace('/','_').replace('[','_').replace(']','_')) if nCores>maxJobs: if opts.forceThreads:'Forcing job #%d to use only %d cores (max available) instead of %d requested'%(i,maxJobs,nCores)) nCores=maxJobs else: logging.warning('WARNING: job #%d will use %d cores but only %d are available'%(i,nCores,maxJobs)) if 'openmp' not in woo.config.features and nCores>1: logging.warning('Job #%d will be uselessly run with %d threads (compiled without OpenMP support).'%(i,nCores)) executables.add(jobExecutable) # compose command-line: build the hyper-linked variant, then strip HTML tags (ugly, but ensures consistency) for j in range(0,opts.timing if opts.timing>0 else 1): jobNum=len(jobs) logFile2=logFile+('.%d'%j if opts.timing>0 else '') logDir=os.path.dirname(logFile2) if logDir and not os.path.exists(logDir): logging.warning("WARNING: creating log directory '%s'"%(logDir)) os.makedirs(logDir) if WIN: logFile2=re.sub('[<>:"|?*=,]','_',logFile2) # append numbers to log file if it already exists, to prevent overwriting if logFile2 in logFiles: i=0; while logFile2+'.%d'%i in logFiles: i+=1 logFile2+='.%d'%i logFiles.append(logFile2) hrefCmd=fullCmd=None desc=params[l]['title'] if '!SCRIPT' in params[l].keys(): desc=script+'.'+desc # prepend filename if script is specified explicitly if opts.timing>0: desc+='[%d]'%j jobs.append(JobInfo(jobNum,desc,fullCmd,hrefCmd,logFile2,nCores,script=script,table=(table if table!=None else ''),lineNo=l,affinity=jobAffinity,resultsDb=resultsDb,debug=jobDebug,executable=jobExecutable,nice=nice)) print("Master process pid",os.getpid()) if not WIN: # HACK: shell suspends the batch sometimes due to tty output, unclear why (both zsh and bash do that). # Let's just ignore SIGTTOU here. import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGTTOU,signal.SIG_IGN) if opts.rebuild: print("Rebuilding all active executables, since --rebuild was specified") for e in executables: import subprocess if[e,'--rebuild','-x']+(['--debug'] if opts.debug else [])): raise RuntimeError('Error rebuilding %s (--rebuild).'%e) print("Rebuilding done.") print("Job summary:") for job in jobs: print((bright(' #{job.num} ({}{cores})')+': {job.table} {job.lineNo} {job.resultsDb}: {job.executable} {job.script} > {job.log}').format(job=job,cores='' if job.nCores==1 else '/%d'%job.nCores)) sys.stdout.flush() httpLastServe=0 runHttpStatsServer() if opts.plotAlwaysUpdateTime>0: # update plots periodically regardless of whether they are requested via HTTP def updateAllPlots(): time.sleep(opts.plotAlwaysUpdateTime) for job in jobs: # sys.stderr('Update plots for job %s'%str(job)) job.updatePlots() _thread.start_new_thread(updateAllPlots,()) # OK, go now if not dryRun: runJobs(jobs,maxJobs) print('All jobs finished, total time ',t2hhmmss(totalRunningTime())) plots=[] for j in jobs: if not os.path.exists(j.plotsFile): continue plots.append(j.plotsFile) if plots: print('Plot files:',' '.join(plots)) # for easy grepping in logfiles: print('Log files:',' '.join([j.log for j in jobs])) # write timing table if opts.timing>0: if opts.timingOut: print('Writing gathered timing information to',opts.timingOut) try: out=open(opts.timingOut,'w') except IOError: logging.warn('Unable to open file %s for timing output, writing to stdout.'%opts.timingOut) out=sys.stdout else: print('Gathered timing information:') out=sys.stdout # write header out.write('## timing data, written '+time.asctime()+' with arguments\n## '+' '.join(sys.argv)+'\n##\n') paramNames=list(params[list(params.keys())[0]].keys()); paramNames.sort() out.write('## line\tcount\tavg\tdev\trelDev\tmin\tmax\t|\t'+'\t'.join(paramNames)+'\n') import math for i,l in enumerate(useLines): jobTimes=[j.durationSec for j in jobs if j.lineNo==l and j.durationSec!=None] tSum=sum(jobTimes); tAvg=tSum/len(jobTimes) tMin,tMax=min(jobTimes),max(jobTimes) tDev=math.sqrt(sum((t-tAvg)**2 for t in jobTimes)/len(jobTimes)) tRelDev=tDev/tAvg out.write('%d\t%d\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.3g\t%.2f\t%.2f\t|\t'%(l,len(jobTimes),tAvg,tDev,tRelDev,tMin,tMax)+'\t'.join([params[l][p] for p in paramNames])+'\n') if not gnuplotOut: print('Bye.') else: print('Assembling gnuplot files…') for job in jobs: for l in file(job.log): if l.startswith('gnuplot '): job.plot=l.split()[1] break preamble,plots='',[] for job in jobs: if not 'plot' in job.__dict__: print("WARN: No plot found for job " continue for l in file(job.plot): if l.startswith('plot'): # attempt to parse the plot line ll=l.split(' ',1)[1][:-1] # rest of the line, without newline # replace title 'something' with title 'title': something' ll,nn=re.subn(r'title\s+[\'"]([^\'"]*)[\'"]',r'title "'': \1"',ll) if nn==0: logging.error("Plot line in "+job.plot+" not parsed (skipping): "+ll) plots.append(ll) break if not plots: # first plot, copy all preceding lines preamble+=l gp=file(gnuplotOut,'w') gp.write(preamble) gp.write('plot '+','.join(plots)) print("gnuplot",gnuplotOut) print("Plot written, bye.") if httpWait and time.time()-httpLastServe<30: print("(continue serving http until no longer requested as per --http-wait)") while time.time()-httpLastServe<30: time.sleep(1) if opts.exitPrompt: input('Press Enter to exit (--exit-prompt)...') if tailProcess: tailProcess.terminate() #woo.master.exitNoBacktrace() woo.master.disableGdb() return 0