Source code for woo.system

# coding: utf-8
# 2009 © Václav Šmilauer <>

Functions for accessing woo's internals; only used internally.
import sys
from woo import config
from woo import runtime
import woo.core

[docs]def childClasses(base,recurse=True,includeBase=False): """Enumerate classes deriving from given base (as string), recursively by default. Returns set.""" if isinstance(base,str): ret=set(woo.master.childClassesNonrecursive(base)); else: ret=set(base.__subclasses__()) ret2=set(); if includeBase: ret|=set([base]) if not recurse: return ret for bb in ret: ret2|=childClasses(bb) return ret | ret2
_allSerializables=[c.__name__ for c in woo.core.Object._derivedCxxClasses] ## set of classes for which the proxies were created _proxiedClasses=set()
[docs]def releaseInternalPythonObjects(): 'Only used internally at Woo shutdown, to work around issues releasing mixed python/c++ shared_ptr. See for details.' try: import woo.core,os except ImportError: return if 'WOO_DEBUG' in os.environ: msg=lambda x: sys.stderr.write(x) else: msg=lambda x: None msg("Entered woo._releaseInternalPythonObjects, releasing woo.master.scene\n") woo.master.releaseScene() if hasattr(woo.core.Object,'_derivedCxxClasses'): msg("woo.master.scene released, releasing attribute traits...\n") for c in woo.core.Object._derivedCxxClasses: for trait in c._attrTraits: trait._resetInternalPythonObjects() else: msg("woo.core.Object does not define _derivedCxxClasses (skipping cleanup)") if woo.master.scene: woo.master.scene.plot._resetInternalPythonObjects() msg("traits released.\n")
[docs]def setExitHandlers(): """Set exit handler to avoid gdb run if log4cxx crashes at exit.""" # avoid backtrace at regular exit, even if we crash if False and 'log4cxx' in config.features: __builtins__['quit']=woo.master.exitNoBacktrace sys.exit=woo.master.exitNoBacktrace # this seems to be not needed anymore: #sys.excepthook=sys.__excepthook__ # apport on ubuntu overrides this, we don't need it import atexit atexit.register(releaseInternalPythonObjects)
# consistency check # if there are no serializables, then plugins were not loaded yet, probably if(len(_allSerializables)==0): raise ImportError("No classes deriving from Object found; you must call woo.boot.initialize to load plugins before importing woo.system.")