Source code for woo.document

# encoding: utf-8

import woo
import woo.core
import sys
import codecs
import re
from minieigen import *
import logging

"Base URL for the documentation. Packaged versions should change to the local installation directory."

import os.path
# find if we have docs installed locally from package
# FIXME: unfortunately file:// links don't seem to work with anchors, so just make this invalid
# we prefer the packaged documentation for this version, if installed
if   os.path.exists(sphinxLocalDocPath+'/index.html'): sphinxPrefix='file://'+sphinxLocalDocPath
# otherwise look for documentation generated in the source tree
elif  os.path.exists(sphinxBuildDocPath+'/index.html'): sphinxPrefix='file://'+sphinxBuildDocPath
# fallback to online docs
else: sphinxPrefix=sphinxOnlineDocPath

[docs]def fixDocstring(s): if sys.version_info[0]==2 and isinstance(s,str): s=s.decode('utf-8') s=s.replace(':ref:',':obj:') s=re.sub(r'(?<!\\)\$([^\$]+)(?<!\\)\$',r'\ :math:`\1`\ ',s) s=re.sub(r'\\\$',r'$',s) if 'Overloaded function.' in s: print(100*'#\n\n'+s) return s
allWooClasses,allWooMods=set(),set() def _ensureInitialized(): 'Fill allWooClasses and allWooMods, called automatically as needed' global allWooClasses,allWooMods if allWooClasses: return # do nothing if already filled def subImport(pkg,exclude=None): 'Import recursively all subpackages' import pkgutil for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(pkg.__path__): fqmodname=pkg.__name__+'.'+modname print(fqmodname) if exclude and re.match(exclude,fqmodname): print('Skipping '+fqmodname) continue if fqmodname not in sys.modules: sys.stdout.write('Importing '+fqmodname+'... ') try: __import__(fqmodname,pkg.__name__) print('ok') except (ImportError, NameError): print('(error, ignoring)') if fqmodname in sys.modules and ispkg: print('Import submodules from ',fqmodname) subImport(sys.modules[fqmodname]) modExcludeRegex=r'^woo\.(_cxxInternal.*)(\..*|$)' subImport(woo,exclude=modExcludeRegex) try: import wooExtra subImport(wooExtra) except ImportError: print('No wooExtra modules imported.') for m in woo.master.compiledPyModules: if m not in sys.modules: print('Importing',m) __import__(m) # global allWooClasses, allWooMods cc=woo.system.childClasses(woo.core.Object,includeBase=True,recurse=True) for c in cc: if re.match(modExcludeRegex,c.__module__): continue if c.__doc__: c.__doc__=fixDocstring(c.__doc__) allWooClasses.add(c) allWooMods=set([sys.modules[m] for m in sys.modules if m.startswith('woo') and sys.modules[m] and sys.modules[m].__name__==m])
[docs]def allWooPackages(outDir='/tmp',skip=r'^(woo|wooExtra(|\..*))$'): '''Generate documentation of packages in the Restructured Text format. Each package is written to file called *out*/.`woo.[package].rst` and list of files created is returned.''' global allWooClasses,allWooMods _ensureInitialized() modsElsewhere=set() for m in allWooMods: modsElsewhere|=set(tuple(m._docInlineModules) if hasattr(m,'_docInlineModules') else ()) #* modules go insides #print(repr(modsElsewhere)) toplevMods=set([m for m in allWooMods if (m not in modsElsewhere) and len(m.__name__.split('.'))<3]) rsts=[] print('TOPLEVEL MODULES',[m.__name__ for m in toplevMods]) print('MODULES DOCUMENTED ELSEWHERE',[m.__name__ for m in modsElsewhere]) for mod in toplevMods: if re.match(skip,mod.__name__): print('[SKIPPING %s]'%(mod.__name__)) continue outFile=outDir+'/%s.rst'%(mod.__name__) print('WRITING',outFile,mod.__name__) rsts.append(outFile),'w','utf-8') oneModuleWithSubmodules(mod,out) return rsts
[docs]def guessInstanceTypeFromCxxType(klass,trait,noneOnFail=False): import logging 'Return type object guessed from cxxType' wHead=klass.__module__+'.'+klass.__name__+'.' m=re.match(r'^\s*(weak_ptr\s*<|shared_ptr\s*<)?([A-Za-z0-9_:]+)(\s*>)?\s*',trait.cxxType) if m: logging.debug('%s: got c++ base type: %s -> %s'%(wHead,trait.cxxType,cT)) klasses=[c for c in woo.system.childClasses(woo.core.Object,includeBase=True) if c.__name__==cT] if len(klasses)==0: if noneOnFail: return None logging.warn('%s: no Python type object with name %s found (cxxType=%s)'%(wHead,cT,trait.cxxType)) elif len(klasses)>1: logging.warn('%s: multiple Python types with name %s found (cxxType=%s): %s'%(wHead,cT,trait.cxxType,', '.join([c.__module__+'.'+c.__name__ for c in klasses]))) else: return klasses[0] if noneOnFail: return None logging.warn('%s: no c++ base type found for %s'%(wHead,trait.cxxType)) logging.warn('%s: using woo.core.Object as type'%(wHead)) return woo.core.Object
[docs]def guessListTypeFromCxxType(klass,trait,warnFail=False): "Guess type of array from parsing trait.cxxType. Ugly but works." # head for warnings wHead=klass.__module__+'.'+klass.__name__+'.' def vecTest(T,cxxT): regexp=r'^\s*(std\s*::)?\s*vector\s*<\s*(shared_ptr\s*<\s*)?\s*(std\s*::)?\s*('+T+r')(\s*>)?\s*>\s*$' m=re.match(regexp,cxxT) return m def vecGuess(T): regexp=r'^\s*(std\s*::)?\s*vector\s*<\s*(shared_ptr\s*<\s*)?\s*(std\s*::)?\s*(?P<elemT>[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(\s*>)?\s*>\s*$' m=re.match(regexp,T) return m from woo import dem if 'opengl' in woo.config.features: from woo import gl from woo import core vecMap={ 'bool':bool,'int':int,'long':int,'Particle::id_t':int,'size_t':int, 'Real':float,'float':float,'double':float, 'Vector6r':Vector6,'Vector6i':Vector6i,'Vector3i':Vector3i,'Vector2r':Vector2,'Vector2i':Vector2i, 'Vector3r':Vector3,'Matrix3r':Matrix3,'Quaternionr':Quaternion, 'VectorXr':VectorX,'MatrixXr':MatrixX, 'AlignedBox2r':AlignedBox2,'AlignedBox3r':AlignedBox3, 'string':str } cxxT=trait.cxxType if not cxxT: logging.error("Trait for %s does not define cxxType"%( return None for T,ret in vecMap.items(): if vecTest(T,cxxT): logging.debug("Got type %s from cxx type %s"%(repr(ret),cxxT)) return (ret,) #print 'No luck with ',T m=vecGuess(cxxT) if m: # print 'guessed literal type','elemT')'elemT') klasses=[c for c in woo.system.childClasses(woo.core.Object,includeBase=True) if c.__name__==elemT] if len(klasses)==0: logging.warn('%s: no Python type object with name %s found (cxxType=%s)'%(wHead,elemT,trait.cxxType)) elif len(klasses)>1: logging.warn('%s: multiple Python types with name %s found (cxxType=%s): %s'%(wHead,elemT,trait.cxxType,', '.join([c.__module__+'.'+c.__name__ for c in klasses]))) else: return (klasses[0],) # return tuple to signify sequence if warnFail: logging.error("Unable to guess python type from cxx type '%s'"%cxxT) return None
[docs]def makeTraitInfo(obj,klass,trait): def maybe_decode(a): return (a if isinstance(a,str) else str(a,'utf-8')) hasVal=True # true if the value is accessible from python try: val=getattr(obj, except: hasVal=False ret=[] if trait.static: ret.append('static') tt=None if hasattr(trait,'pyType'): if isinstance(trait.pyType,(list,tuple)): tt='['+trait.pyType[0].__name__+", …]" elif trait.pyType is not None: tt=trait.pyType.__name__ # else: ret.append('type: None?') # ?? if tt is None: if hasVal and not isinstance(val,woo.core.Object) and val!=None: if val.__class__.__module__=='minieigen': tt=':obj:`%s <minieigen:minieigen.%s>`'%(val.__class__.__name__,val.__class__.__name__) else: tt=trait.cxxType if not tt: if trait.cxxType in ('int','string','bool','Real','long','size_t','ContainerT','PendingContact','std::vector<PendingContact>','list<id_t>','shared_ptr<SpherePack>','list<id_t>','boost_multi_array_real_5','py::object'): tt=trait.cxxType if not tt: l=guessListTypeFromCxxType(klass,trait,warnFail=False) if l and l[0].__module__!='__builtin__': tt=trait.cxxType.replace(l[0].__name__,':obj:`%s <%s.%s>`'%(l[0].__name__,l[0].__module__,l[0].__name__)) if not tt: t=guessInstanceTypeFromCxxType(klass,trait,noneOnFail=True) if t and t.__module__!='__builtin__': tt=trait.cxxType.replace(t.__name__,':obj:`%s <%s.%s>`'%(t.__name__,t.__module__,t.__name__)) if not tt: tt=trait.cxxType ret.append('type: '+tt) if trait.unit: if len(trait.unit)==1: ret.append('unit: '+maybe_decode(trait.unit[0])) else: ret.append(u'units: ['+u','.join(maybe_decode(u) for u in trait.unit)+u']') if trait.prefUnit and trait.unit[0]!=trait.prefUnit[0][0]: if len(trait.unit)==1: ret.append('preferred unit: '+maybe_decode(trait.prefUnit[0][0])) else: ret.append('preferred units: ['+u','.join(maybe_decode(u[0]) for u in trait.prefUnit)+']') if trait.range: ret.append(u'range: %g%g'%(trait.range[0],trait.range[1])) if trait.noGui: ret.append('not shown in the UI') if trait.noDump: ret.append('not dumped') if trait.noSave: ret.append('not saved') if trait.hidden: ret.append('not accessible from python') if trait.readonly: ret.append('read-only in python') if trait.deprecated: ret.append('**DEPRECATED**, raises ``ValueError`` when accessed') if trait.choice and not trait.namedEnum: # named enums formatted differently below if isinstance(trait.choice[0],tuple): ret.append('choices: '+', '.join('%d = %s'%(c[0],c[1] if '|' not in c[1] else '``'+c[1]+'``') for c in trait.choice)) else: ret.append('choices: '+', '.join(str(c) for c in trait.choice)) if trait.namedEnum: ret.append('named enum, possible values are: '+trait.namedEnum_validValues(pre0="**'",post0="'**",pre="*'",post="'*")) if trait.filename: ret.append('filename') if trait.existingFilename: ret.append('existing filename') if trait.dirname: ret.append('directory name') if trait.bits: ret.append('bit accessors: '+', '.join(['**'+b+'**' for b in trait.bits])) return ', '.join(ret)
[docs]def classDocHierarchy_topsAndDict(mod): 'Return tuple containing list of top-level class objects, and dictionary which maps all module-contained class objects to classes which should be documented under it (derived classes, and doc-related classes specified via ClassTrait.section' global allWooClasses,allWooMods _ensureInitialized() # kk=woo.system.childClasses(woo.core.Object,includeBase=True) # all woo classes dd={} for k in allWooClasses: if k==woo.core.Object: continue # obejct itself is not documented this way t=k._classTrait if not t: continue if k.__module__!=mod.__name__: continue dd[k]=[] for a in t.docOther: if '.' in a: raise NotImplementedError("Cross-module documentation not yet supported.") dd[k].append(eval(a)) else: dd[k].append(eval(k.__module__+'.'+a)) # [eval('%s.%s'%(k.__module__,a)) for a in t.docOther] # perhaps not in the same module? fix here!! #print,t.docOther,t.intro,t.title for k in dd: # if the base is documented, put it under the base class (prepend) b=k.__bases__[0] if b in dd: dd[b]=[k]+dd[b] tops=[] for k in dd: refs=[] for kk,vv in dd.items(): if k in vv: refs+=[kk] if len(refs)==0: tops.append(k) elif len(refs)>1: raise RuntimeError('Class %s listed under multiple classes: '%k.__name__+', '.join(['%s'%(r.__name__) for r in refs])) # if the class has one single reference, it is not a top class return (tops,dd)
[docs]def oneModuleWithSubmodules(mod,out,exclude=None,level=0,importedInto=None): global allWooClasses,allWooMods _ensureInitialized() if exclude==None: exclude=set() # avoid referenced empty set to be modified if level>=0: out.write(':mod:`%s`\n%s\n\n'%(mod.__name__,(20+len(mod.__name__))*('=-^"'[level]))) if importedInto: out.write('.. note:: This module is imported into the :obj:`%s` module automatically; refer to its objects through :obj:`%s`.\n\n'%(importedInto.__name__,importedInto.__name__)) def _docOneClass(k): if k in exclude: return exclude.add(k) # already-documented should not be documented again obj=k() kOut.write('.. autoclass:: %s\n'%k.__name__) #kOut.write(' :members: %s\n'%(','.join([m for m in dir(k) if (not m.startswith('_') and m not in set( for trait in k._attrTraits))]))) kOut.write(' :members:\n') # those will be documented explicitly ex=[ for t in k._attrTraits] if issubclass(k,woo.core.Object): # this does not seem to work really... # exclude __init__ which would be shown by special-members, but is really useless for Object (always the same) ex.append('__init__') ex.append('__getstate__') ex.append('__setstate__') if ex: kOut.write(' :exclude-members: %s\n'%(', '.join(ex))) kOut.write(' :special-members:\n') kOut.write('\n') srcXref=classSrcHyperlink(k) if srcXref: kOut.write('\n '+srcXref+'\n\n') for trait in k._attrTraits: try: iniStr=' (= %s)'%(repr(trait.ini)) except TypeError: # no converter found iniStr='' if trait.startGroup: kOut.write(u' .. rubric:: ► %s\n\n'%(trait.startGroup)) kOut.write(' .. attribute:: %s%s\n\n'%(,iniStr)) for l in fixDocstring(trait.doc).split('\n'): kOut.write(' '+l+'\n') traitInfo=makeTraitInfo(obj,k,trait) if traitInfo: kOut.write(u'\n ['+traitInfo+']\n') kOut.write('\n') klasses=[c for c in allWooClasses if (c.__module__==mod.__name__ or (hasattr(mod,'_docInlineModules') and c.__module__ in sys.modules and sys.modules[c.__module__] in mod._docInlineModules))] klasses.sort(key=lambda x: x.__name__) # tops,klassesUnder=classDocHierarchy_topsAndDict(mod) #global prevLevel #prevLevel=0 def _inheritanceDiagram(k,currmod): def nodeName(kk): return ('' if kk.__module__==currmod else kk.__module__+'.')+kk.__name__ def mkNode(kk,style='solid',fillcolor=None): return '\t\t"%s" [shape="box",fontsize=8,style="setlinewidth(0.5),%s",%sheight=0.2,URL="%s.html#%s.%s"];\n'%(nodeName(kk),style,'fillcolor=%s,'%fillcolor if fillcolor else '','.'.join(kk.__module__.split('.')[:2]),kk.__module__,k.__name__) ret=".. graphviz::\n\n\tdigraph %s {\n\t\trankdir=LR;\n\t\tmargin=.2;\n"%k.__name__ ret+=mkNode(k) cc=woo.system.childClasses(k,includeBase=False) for c in cc: if c.__module__.startswith('wooExtra.'): continue # this class will have its own diagram for inheritance # if hasattr(c,'_classTrait') and c._classTrait.title and c._classTrait.klassesUnder: if c.__module__==currmod: ret+=mkNode(c) else: ret+=mkNode(c,style='filled',fillcolor='grey') ret+='\t\t"%s" -> "%s" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]'%(nodeName(c.__bases__[0]),nodeName(c)) return ret+'\n\t}\n\n' def _docOneClassWithSectioning(k,level=0): # print level*'\t',k.__name__ if not hasattr(k,'_classTrait'): return # will be documented later t=k._classTrait nextLevel=level #global prevLevel #if not t.title: # # decrasing level without section -- write dividing line # if prevLevel>level: out.write('\n\n-----\n\n\n') # #prevLevel=level #if t.title: # write section title nextLevel=level+1 tt=t.title if t.title else k.__name__ if level<3: kOut.write('\n.. rst-class:: html-toggle\n\n') kOut.write('\n.. rst-class:: emphasized\n\n') kOut.write(tt+'\n'+len(tt)*'-+"%\'^_'[level]+'\n\n') #else: # nextLevel=level+1 # kOut.write(k.__name__+'\n'+len(k.__name__)*('-"\'^+_%'[level])+'\n\n') if t.intro: kOut.write(t.intro+'\n\n') if not t.title: warnings.warn('Class %s.%s has intro but no title in class trait.'%(k.__module__,k.__name__)) # if there was a title different from the class title and there are classes under us, repeat the class name here on the subordinate level if t.title: if nextLevel<3: kOut.write('\n.. rst-class:: html-toggle\n\n') kOut.write('\n.. rst-class:: emphasized\n\n') kOut.write(k.__name__+'\n'+len(k.__name__)*'-+"%\'^_'[nextLevel]+'\n\n') # print inheritance if k!=woo.core.Object: bb=[k] while True: # if len(bb[-1].__bases)==0: break bb+=[bb[-1].__bases__[0]] if bb[-1]==woo.core.Object: break if bb[-1]==object: break ## in one case this breaks...!?? kOut.write(u'\n'+u' → '.join([u':obj:`~%s.%s`'%(b.__module__,b.__name__) for b in reversed(bb)])+'\n\n') # print derived classes if klassesUnder and woo.system.childClasses(k): kOut.write(_inheritanceDiagram(k,mod.__name__)) _docOneClass(k) for kk in klassesUnder[k]: assert k!=kk # print kk.__name__ _docOneClassWithSectioning(kk,nextLevel) #if not t.title and t.intro: # document any c++ classes in a special way # defer writing that to out though so that automodule can exclude classes which are documented manually import io kOut=io.StringIO() for top in tops: _docOneClassWithSectioning(top,level) # document all remaining classes linearly here, if any for k in klasses: _docOneClass(k) # control whether autodocs are at the bottom or at the top def writeAutoMod(mm,skip=None): out.write('.. automodule:: %s\n :members:\n :undoc-members:\n'%(mm.__name__)) if skip: out.write(' :exclude-members: %s\n'%(', '.join([e.__name__ for e in skip]))) out.write('\n') autoAtBottom=False if autoAtBottom: # HACK: we want module's docstring to appear at the top, but autodocumented stuff at the bottom # dump __doc__ straight to the output here, and reset it, so that automodule does not pick it up # autodoc however automatically creates index entry for the module; # that's why we end up with bunch of SEVERE: Duplicate ID: "module-..." msgs out.write('.. module:: %s\n\n'%mod.__name__) if mod.__doc__: out.write(mod.__doc__+'\n\n') mod.__doc__=None # if there are no classes, avoid warning from sphinx if klasses: out.write('.. inheritance-diagram:: %s\n\n'%mod.__name__) # insert documentation of classes out.write(kOut.getvalue()) # document the rest of the module here (don't recurse) writeAutoMod(mod,skip=exclude) else: # automodule first, including inheritance tree (are excluded classes excluded from the tree as well?) # exlude classes which are are then documented manually # if there are no classes, avoid warning from sphinx if klasses: out.write('.. inheritance-diagram:: %s\n :parts: %s\n\n'%(mod.__name__,len(mod.__name__.split('.')) if mod.__name__.startswith('woo.') else 0)) # without showing module name in the inheritance diagram writeAutoMod(mod,skip=exclude) out.write(kOut.getvalue()) # imported modules if hasattr(mod,'_docInlineModules'): # negative level will skip heading for m in mod._docInlineModules: oneModuleWithSubmodules(m,out,exclude=exclude,level=level+1,importedInto=mod) # nested modules # with nested heading for m in [m for m in allWooMods if m.__name__.startswith(mod.__name__+'.') and len(mod.__name__.split('.'))+1==len(m.__name__.split('.'))]: oneModuleWithSubmodules(m,out,exclude=exclude,level=level+1)
[docs]def makeSphinxHtml(k): 'Given a class, try to guess name of the HTML page where it is documented by Sphinx' if not k.__module__.startswith('woo.'): return k.__module__ mod=k.__module__.split('.')[1] # sphinx does not make the hierarchy any deeper than 2 for start,repl in [('_pack','pack'),('_qt','qt'),('_utils','utils')]: if mod.startswith(start): return 'woo.'+repl return 'woo.'+mod
[docs]def makeClassAttrDocUrl(klass,attr=None): '''Return URL to documentation of Woo class or its attribute in :param klass: class object :param attr: attribute to link to. If given, must exist directly in given *klass* (not its parent); if not given or empty, link to the class itself is created and *attr* is ignored. :return: URL as text ''' dotAttr=(('.'+attr) if attr else '') if klass.__module__.startswith('wooExtra.'): KEY=sys.modules['.'.join(klass.__module__.split('.')[:2])].KEY return '{KEY}/doc/index.html#{module}.{klass}{dotAttr}'.format(KEY=KEY,module=klass.__module__,klass=klass.__name__,dotAttr=dotAttr) return '{sphinxPrefix}/{sphinxHtml}.html#{module}.{klass}{dotAttr}'.format(sphinxPrefix=sphinxPrefix,sphinxHtml=makeSphinxHtml(klass),module=klass.__module__,klass=klass.__name__,dotAttr=dotAttr)
[docs]def makeObjectUrl(obj,attr=None): """Return HTML href to a *obj* optionally to the attribute *attr*. The class hierarchy is crawled upwards to find out in which parent class is *attr* defined, so that the href target is a valid link. In that case, only single inheritace is assumed and the first class from the top defining *attr* is used. :param obj: object of class deriving from :obj:`woo.core.Object`, or string; if string, *attr* must be empty. :param attr: name of the attribute to link to; if empty, linke to the class itself is created. :returns: HTML with the hyperref. """ if attr: klass=obj.__class__ while attr in dir(klass.__bases__[0]): klass=klass.__bases__[0] else: klass=obj.__class__ return makeClassAttrDocUrl(klass,attr)
[docs]def makeObjectHref(obj,attr=None,text=None): '''Create HTML hyperlink, wrapping :obj:`makeObjectUrl`. adding ``<a href="...">text</a>``. :param text: visible text of the hyperlink; if not given, either class name or attribute name without class name (when *attr* is given) is used. ''' if not text: if attr: text=attr else: text=obj.__class__.__name__ return '<a href="%s">%s</a>'%(makeObjectUrl(obj,attr),text)
[docs]def makeCGeomFunctorsMatrix(): import woo, woo.dem, woo.system import prettytable ggg0=woo.system.childClasses(woo.dem.CGeomFunctor) ggg=set() for g in ggg0: # handle derived classes which don't really work as functors (Cg2_Any_Any_L6Geom__Base) try: g().bases ggg.add(g) except: pass ss=list(woo.system.childClasses(woo.dem.Shape)) ss.sort(key=lambda s: s.__name__) ss=[s for s in ss if s.__name__ not in ('Membrane','Tet4')] # Membrane is useless here, as it is the same as Facet def type2sphinx(t,name=None): if name==None: return ':obj:`~%s.%s`'%(t.__module__,t.__name__) else: return ':obj:`%s <%s.%s>`'%(name,t.__module__,t.__name__) t=prettytable.PrettyTable(['']+[type2sphinx(s) for s in ss],border=True,header=True,hrules=prettytable.ALL) for s1 in ss: row=[type2sphinx(s1)] # header column for s2 in ss: gg=[g for g in ggg if sorted(g().bases)==sorted([s1.__name__,s2.__name__])] cell=[] for g in gg: if g.__name__.endswith('L6Geom'): cell+=[type2sphinx(g,'l6g')] elif g.__name__.endswith('G3Geom'): cell+=[type2sphinx(g,'g3g')] else: raise RuntimError('CGeomFunctor name does not end in L6Geom or G3Geom.') cell.sort(reverse=True) # so that l6g comes first if cell: row.append(', '.join(cell)) else: row.append(u'×') t.add_row(row) tt=t.get_string().split('\n') tt=[(tt[i] if i!=2 else tt[i].replace('-','=')) for i in range(len(tt))] # return '.. tabularcolumns:: |l|'+'|'.join(len(ss)*['c'])+'\n\n' return '\n'.join(tt)+'\n\n'